Dr. J. G. Schnitzer's Health SecretsPrevention and Cure of Diseases by Health; Survey
Agressivity Allergies Alzheimer disease Angina pectoris Anxiety psychosis Bad memory Cancer, different types of Chronic rheumatic polyarthritis Colitis ulcerosa Concentration, lack of Constipation Dental caries Depressions Diabetes I Diabetes II Diabetes, blindness Diabetes, gangrene Diabetes, later consequences Diabetes, leg amputation Diarrhea Edema |
Fatigue Gastritis Goiter Gout Gravidity complaints Hair problems Heart attack Hepatitis High blood pressure Hypertension Hypotension Immune deficiency Impairment of reproduction (risk consequences: children with malposition of teeth, malformation of face, skeleton and body, acceleration, osteogenesis imperfecta, brain handicaps, weak memory, reading, speaking and writing weaknesses, asthenopia, aggressivity, muscle handicaps, senility, immune deficiency, growth problems) Impotency Infertility Intestine complaints |
Menstruation complaints
Mental defatigation Multiple sclerosis Muscular atrophy Nervous prostration Nervousness Night sweats Obesity, Overweight Osteogenesis imperfecta Osteomyelitis Osteoporosis Parodontosis Polyarthritis Psoriasis Renal paralysis Rheumatism Sensitivity to infections Stomach complaints Stroke Vertigo Vigor deficiency Weakness of vision |
Only those people who are taking special precautions, improve their option to prevent such diseases or, if already ill, to re-conquer their health.
Some more facts are: In spite of all medical efforts and tremendous treatment costs, people are more sick than ever before. About 50% of “higher life expectancy” medical proponents claim to be due to their efforts, is best described as coming specifically from better birth hygiene. The other 50% doesn't come from improved health: "Modern medicine” is only able to keep sick people alive longer, but generally without curing them. Medical doctors are themselves not healthier than the population. The main cause of death - hypertension and it's consequences, the cardiovascular diseases - kills a higher percentage of the medical doctors than in the population.
We are far from a natural life expectancy of man (=140-150 years). Only one of 110 people (less than 1% of the population) dies of old age. Most of the others die much earlier of avoidable and curable chronic diseases (e.g. about 50% die from cardiovascular diseases). Obesity, affecting estimated at 95 million Americans, isn't being permanently cured by the usual advice to reduce calories and increase exercise. It's only a symptomatic measure and makes obese people suffering a lot for only temporary results .....
Who would have an economic interest to tell the truth,
how you could protect your natural health
from civilization ailments?We are living in a world that is ruled in the first place by interests of profit, power and influence. This is okay, so far as the profit comes from useful services to the human society, the power from the assent of many to one's goals, and the influence from respect to the wisdom of given advice. It becomes wrong as soon as profit is made from disadvantages to the society, power misused to suppress the truth e.g. to protect economic interests, and influence usurped e.g. to protect hidden and immoral economic interests of pressure groups on the costs of damages to the human society.
For you and your family - living in this world of economic and other interests - it is a question of fate to analyze: Who could have an economic interest to tell you the truth, how you could protect your natural health from civilization ailments? I will help you by a short checklist (if you find more points, please inform me):.
- The "modern medicine"? Perhaps you believe that "modern medicine" is concerned with your health. Many people believe this. This medical system is nearly exclusively concerned with your diseases. Students of medicine don't learn how to maintain your natural health. They learn how to diagnose and treat (in most cases not even to cure) your diseases. If you are healthy and would go for a checkup, you would probably not get diagnosed e.g. a "health degree five"; you would get "findings negative". From the economic point of view, this diagnose expresses correctly what your health means to the medical system. Health is beyond the horizon, economic interest and knowledge of the system of "modern medicine", "health care", "health plans" and "health policy". Even what's named "prevention" by this system, in truth means an earlier discovery of diseases ("findings earlier positive"), to start earlier a long-term treatment ("earnings earlier positive").
.- "Health policy"? Health politicians need experts to develop their health policy. Most of these experts are representatives of "modern medicine" and of its "ruling doctrines". Their strategies are based on the idea to fight down all diseases by all means, expecting health remaining as the left-over of this war. Unfortunately, even many patients don't remain, because they pass away before the war ends. Also, policy is under the influence of economic interests and pressure groups. They can't inform the population with the truth about preconditions of health; this truth would touch too many economic interests of considerable volume in the country. Really they would come into trouble, touching the interests of those, whose products cause diseases, and interests of others, who live from services and products to treat these diseases. What an economic disaster it would be, if all of a sudden the general health would break out, like a communicable disease! (In truth, knowledge about preconditions of health is "communicable", transferable by communication and information).
.- Insurances? At first look, fewer expenses for treatment costs could mean more profit for insurances. At second look, healthy people, who know their health is based on solid knowledge about its preconditions, would lose their fear of getting sick, and stop their insurance contracts. So, don't expect too much health information from that side.
.- Agriculture? It's true, the most important precondition of natural health is natural nutrition. Agriculture is producing all you need for a healthy life. Are they interested to sell to you just what is the healthiest for you? No. Because it is just their cheapest products with nearly no profit on it: Cereals, legumes (pulses), leafy salads, root vegetables, fruits, nuts. They prefer to make more profit by feeding the cheap products to animals to produce meat. For meat, the consumers (you) pay much more for much less health and food value. Also it makes the consumers become interesting members of the diseases target group.
.- Food industry? Their economic principle is, to take cheap raw materials, and to process it. This causes costs, and plus their profit it makes a higher price. The end product prices are considerably higher, and the health values are considerably lower than those of the raw materials. How could you expect them to tell you the truth about the paradox correlation between health value and price of their food products?
.- The mass media? As you know, they finance their publications by paid advertisements in their media. Clear, if they would publish information that could touch the interests of their paying clients, they would lose these clients and their payments. Nobody would or could replace the lost profit, paying them for having published the plain and complete truth about health and diseases. So, what they can offer, are only certain parts of the truth, which don't touch economic interests of their clients. Other parts of the truth (which could be essential for health of people) they can't publish. By touching economic interests of their clients, they would touch their own interests as well.
.You see, you nearly are left by yourself when searching the complete truth about preconditions of health. When as a young man I had found my first results to prevent chronic diseases and degeneration, I was optimistic to convince the health politicians and representatives of "modern medicine", to take over and evaluate my findings. What I learned in the following 4 decades: You can't change the system, because the economic interests are not correlated with health, they are correlated with the diseases and their causes. A friend of mine, a Swiss scientist, said: "In a wrong system the wrong measure is right, and the right measure is wrong".
The only ones who really could be interested in their health are the people themselves, the single persons like you, for themselves, and for their families. If they know at all the danger they are in! A large part of the population don't even know this. As "brainwashed" by the permanent flow of publications of the diseases system, they think, so long as they take all pills prescribed for their ailments, that they would be on the safe side. They are not! When at last they notice that it was a false hope, it's often too late.
That's why this “Health Secrets Service”
can be helpful for you and your family.You will learn how to prevent and cure diseases by health. You will acquire the knowledge about the natural basics of health. This Service starts with cure of hypertension, the main killer of civilization. It's a matter of only weeks, to normalize blood pressure in a natural way, and to leave the risk zone of sudden fatal cardiovascular events. The service continues with the natural solution for the obesity problem. This way much more knowledge is transferred to you, because what you learn is to reestablish yours and your family's natural basis of health. In People's Reports (later on this site) you will read, how many other ailments and complaints just disappeared together with the overweight, without going hungry - and how even others with the opposite problem (appetite deficiency, underweight) have gained weight with the same basis of health. Because health doesn't reduce or increase body weight or blood pressure: Health normalizes and optimizes your weight and your blood pressure. Even diabetes becomes curable in most cases, as explained on this site.
It is so easy and simple, as all real truth is. All that you have to do is: Learn it and try it. Once into the first days the early results will convince you..Friedrichshafen (Germany), 2004 + 2018 Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer ...
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