
Dr. J. G. Schnitzer's Health Secrets

Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Health; Survey

For detailed English biography of Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer click on the image
.Dr. Johann Georg

Editor and Author
E-mail to Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

Why are you suffering, and why suffer as so many people like you from chronic diseases without becoming cured, despite an advanced medical system, although its members absorb a considerable part of your personal income and of the gross national product for their health care services? Because they don't really care about your health. They take care of your diseases, and they take your money for doing so. That's what's lucrative for them. The only one who could be interested in your health and who subsists upon your health is you, nobody else than you. Your health is your best and only true prevention and cure of your diseases. This site enables you to take care of your health. It provides you with the health secrets your doctor isn't telling you.

Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2004 + 2018  Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

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Book Hypertension Causes and Cure - Risk Factor 1 Now Curable! Normalize your blood pressure, leave the cardiovascular risk zone and get rid of pills and their side effects within 6-10 weeks.
The new book to cure yourself from hypertension:
Hypertension Causes & Cure - Life Threatening Risk Factor 1 Now Curable!
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
High blood pressure is the silent main killer of civilization. Every other person in a developed country dies suddenly of one of its consequences: Heart attack, stroke, embolism. This book informs you about the true causes of hypertension. It teaches you how to leave fast the risk zone of fatal cardiovascular events, how to get free from those pills with their disagreeable side effects, and how to normalize your blood pressure within 6-12 weeks for good in a very natural way (see the typical case histories in the book). Read it and cure your hypertension now!
Booklet Natural Cure of Obesity by Health: How to normalize your weight without going hungry.
The new booklet to normalize your weight in the natural way:
Natural Cure of Obesity by Health
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
It contains all the information you need to normalize your body weight by restoring your complete health. It explains why the common recommendations don't work. You learn, by which natural food your appetite is satisfied before the calories become more than needed, because of balanced food contents of everything  the body needs. So your weight normalizes for good without going hungry. Even healthy baby-food is described, to protect your children from later obesity. Read it and start your normal weight now!
Book Diabetes Causes and Cure, including Cure of Later Diabetes Consequences. Self-help for diabetics. How to cure diabetes, not only "to treat it and to live with the disease for lifetime". Most of it you can do yourself! eBook
Diabetes Causes & Cure - including Cure of Later Diabetes Consequences
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
800.000 leg amputations in diabetic patients are enough! Such a huge number of amputations have been carried out in Germany alone during the last 2 decades. Most of them unnecessarily, as the author of this book is convinced. Because already in 1977 - when asked for advice in a dramatic case - Dr. Schnitzer found a way to save the leg of a diabetic patient that urgently should have been amputated because of diabetic gangrene. After that, surprisingly, the diabetes itself healed up. 
Would the knowledge in this book be helpful to you or somebody you know? If yes, please click here:
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Dr. Schnitzer discovered the main cause of incurability of diabetes: It's the common diabetic diet itself! Its high content of protein  makes the disease incurable, and the protein oversupply causes the so called "later consequences" or "later sequelae" of both types of diabetes (type I and II): Gangrene, hypertension, nerve degeneration, loss of sensation, impotency, loss of eyesight, liver degeneration, inner bleed to death because of varicosis of the esophagus, and renal atrophy. Therefore, this whole complex of nightmares becomes prevented, and in most cases also cured, by the "civilized origin nutrition" described in this book. To read more, please click here!
Diabetes Type I Secrets: Diabetes Secrets for the Young Generation: Diabetes Type I - What Your Doctor isn't telling you about Causes, Prevention, and Cure. With Term Explanations. To read more, please click here!

Book "Whole Grain Baking" for Housewives and Hobby-Bakers. How to bake your own healthy, tasty, and beautiful whole grain breads and pastry.

First English Edition 2004 of Dr. Schnitzer's classic German Whole Grain Baking book
(10 editions, 77 thousand copies sold since 1978)
Whole Grain Baking for Housewives and Hobby-Bakers
10 Lessons Basic Knowledge, 14 Types of Whole Grain Bread and Pastry
96 pages, US$ 29.- per copy, free delivery by airmail to all parts of the world

Bread is much more than bread. For thousands of years it has been the symbol of food, life, physical and spiritual power. Bread is made from cereal grains, originally from freshly milled whole grains, having maintained the health of populations from generation to generation. The chronic civilization ailments started, when the fresh whole grain flour was replaced by storable, refined, extracted white and grey extra short flours. This book allows you to re-establish your most important basis of health: Healthy, tasty, and beautiful whole grain breads and pastry.

Book Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition - Schnitzer Normal Nutrition. Man-appropriate natural nutrition (civilized origin nutrition), the most essential precondition for health and recovery.
The classic book of man-appropriate natural nutrition:
Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition - Schnitzer Normal Nutrition
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
Before writing this book, the author stated: "It's a fact, that feeding habits of civilization cause most chronic ailments of civilization. The genetic programming of the human metabolism couldn't adapt to this unnatural, denaturated food. So, the old genetic programming for man's origin nutrition must be functional". This origin nutrition he searched for, found, developed from it a man-appropriate "civilized origin nutrition", and described it in this book with recipes and pictures. Subsequently hundreds of thousands of people are able to recover from chronic diseases and re-conquer their health with it (13 editions, 144,000 copies sold). Realize your own health opportunities now also!
Régime alimentaire Schnitzer intensif - Régime alimentaire Schnitzer normal. Alimentation originaire civilisée. Base indispensable de la santé naturelle de l'homme moderne.
Le livre classique de l'alimentation originaire de l'homme:
Régime alimentaire Schnitzer intensif - Régime alimentaire Schnitzer normal
(Clic sur le livre ou ici: Page de commandes. Clic sur le titre ou ici: Compte rendu du livre)
Avant écrir ce livre, l'auteur constatait: C'est de fait que le mode d'alimentation d'aujourd'hui est la cause de la plupart des maladies chroniques de la civilisation. Le programme genetique de l'homme ne pouvait pas s'adapter a cette alimentation peu naturel. Ça veut dire, que le programme originaire encore doit être en fonction. Par consequence logique, l'homme doit retourner à sa alimentation originaire, s'il veut reconquerer ou maintenir sa santé. Dr Schnitzer a recherché de cette alimentation, et il a trouver que l'homme est un frugivore. Dans ce livre, il décrit l'application moderne de ce résultat: Une "alimentation originaire civilisée". Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer a écrivé le manuscrit du livre en Medoc, France, en été 1974. Depuis la publication en 1975 (tirage global 144000), des milliers pouvraient reconquérir leur santé grâce à ce livre. C'est votre chance aussi!

Help yourself and others - participate in the
Hypertension Crusade
If you don't mind, you could warn your friends, and save their lives and your own against the silent top killer disease! Did you know that since 1987 hypertension (high blood pressure) has been curable? Why is this information still unknown in Western medicine? Who is teaching this method and how do I get a copy of the therapy? ... and now, do you feel cheated that you didn't know this? Nobel laureate Max Planck said this would happen, it would take 50 years for changes like these to filter down to the sick. What a waste of life and resources to think that since years ago the cure has been in use. The good news is that it has not been thrown out with the bath water. You can now get this advice here and now, within as little as 6-12 weeks be cured and out of danger of additional complications of hypertension. Hypertension crusade now - or wait until the year 2037? To read more, please click here.

Why Hypertension Medication Side Effects?
Hypertension neither causes pains nor causes complaints. The trouble starts with the medication. The "modern medicine" calls it "side effects", claiming: "no efficacy without side effects". But even serious side effects don't guarantee efficacy. Hypertension medication, despite causing considerable side effects, neither cures hypertension nor protects from sudden fatal cardiovascular events; even it doesn't always normalize the blood pressure itself. Why? To read more, please click here.

The specific topic - that 50% of people are in danger of:
Hypertension, curable now
The body has good reasons when elevating the blood pressure. That's why a treatment with pills doesn't cure and doesn't reduce the high risk of sudden fatal cardiovascular events, but creates disagreeable side effects like impotency. Whoever wants to overcome hypertension, should analyze and eliminate the causes - then blood pressure normalizes within only weeks without any pills! To read more, please click here.

Do it now - before irreversible health damage happens:
Cure your hypertension in 99 days
Take this decisive venture now, so long as you still can. Hypertension, treated by pills or not, is a ticking time bomb. Disarm it, before it blows up. You will gain much more than a normal blood pressure - you will get back your health. To read more, please click here.

Hypertension is curable, but not with pills - read how your fellow-sufferers succeeded:
Hypertension Study - How they cured their hypertension
People who had been suffering from hypertension for years, even decades, give witness and documentation, how they could reduce and normalize their blood pressure, how they could get rid of their hypertension pills and disagreeable "side-effects", and how they could reach again their natural, healthy well-being.  To read more, please click here.

Your blood pressure schedule - just follow it up and re-conquer your natural health:
How your blood pressure normalizes within few weeks
In fact, your high blood pressure can be normalized within a few weeks - in a natural way, without pills, and for good. By that, you free yourself too from the hithertoo - despite pills - high cardiovascular risk. Here you receive your practical time and measure schedule. To read more, please click here.

Your questionnaire for your scientific contribution to this
Inquiry about Efficacy and Compliance of Hypertension Cure Measures
according to the book "Hypertension Causes & Cure" by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer. This scientific study is made possible by your kind co-operation as a reader of this book, by answering the simple questions. Thus you possibly save millions of human lives from the high risk of sudden fatal cardiovascular events, by which still about 50 % of the populations (and about 60 % of the medical doctors!) of First World countries perish. To read more, please click here.


Do you have an unresolved weight problem?
Here is valuable information for you.
Overweight, obesity: Slim without going hungry
The usual recommendations make you suffer, but don't make you slim. Here you learn why. Appetite works like a goldminer. Appetite searches for what your body needs, it makes you increase your eating, if less of its needs are contained in your food. To read more, please click here.

To learn from others: Experiences of  former overweight fellow-sufferers
Cured from obesity: People's reports
Once, to collect information for a TV Report, several thousands of families were asked about their experiences with the natural nutrition recommended by the author. Here are those answers, which mention body weight as a topic. To read more, please click here.


Diabetes Secrets for the young Generation, with Term Explanations:
Diabetes Type I
What your Doctor isn't telling you about Causes, Prevention and Cure
Diabetes is one of the fastest growing civilization conditions. Type I and Type II have different causes. But their nasty later consequences are the same. If you become a victim of diabetes, your doctor will welcome you and treat your disease and its unavoidable later diabetes consequences for your lifetime. However - in the last analysis not living on healthy or cured people - your doctor isn't telling you much about causes, prevention and cure of diabetes and its later diabetes consequences. Some of these "medical secrets" are revealed here - enabling you to protect yourself from the disease and from its later consequences. Even cure isn't impossible. Find out the secrets of a recovery! To read more, please click here.

Acne and Pimples - Internal Cure
Acne and pimples usually are explained by a local event: clogged pores, infection by bacteria. However, this is only half the truth. The recommended local measures are only symptomatical and don't cure the acne. The question "Why?" remains unanswered. Happiness, life quality, and life options of many young people are affected by acne and pimples. Whoever suffers from it or has friends suffering from acne and pimples, now can find the explanation of the real causes, and the resulting simple and logic way to a clean and healthy skin and complete body. Please click here!
Medicus, quo vadis? Physician, whither thou goest?
The beginning of the 3rd millenium is an opportunity for the critical examination of the past and present course of the "modern medicine". Why is it in crisis, and what should be its new goals? Main fields of this crisis are pointed out - ethics and morals, tremendous costs exacted by the medicine, and their reliability. Why aren't physicians healthier than the population, for example?  For more, please click here!

Guide to holistic dentists in America to find one in your area

Our daily Bread
Bread is much more than bread. For thousands of years it has been the symbol of food, physical and spiritual power, life-force. Bread is made from cereal grains. It was the cereals, which allowed mankind to grow to the present huge population of living individuals. Cereals contain - like no other foodstuffs - most of the active agents, sources of energy, genetic information and biochemical tools, which are necessary to develop new life. So long as humans were maintaining this "community of life with the cereals", they were well off. When humans renounced this symbiosis with the cereals, disaster took its course. They did it by only using the starch (extract flour, refined flour, white flour) to produce their bread, and by feeding the cereal grains to animals to eat their meat. With an "incubation time" of about 20 years all the endemic chronic diseases and degenerations of civilization developed in the populations, no matter which race and continent. If mankind would return to this original symbiosis with the cereal grains, by eating undenaturated preparations and products made from freshly ground cereals, this would result in general health for people, families and populations. To read more about please click here.
Tasty and healthy:
Wholemeal breads and bakery products according to the original recipes of Dr. J. G. Schnitzer
Dr. Schnitzer's Original
Whole grain Recipes
Dr. Schnitzer's Original Whole Grain Recipes
When recognizing the importance of whole grain bread and bakery products from freshly ground cereals, the author started to develop recipes for such healthy products to give the original life-force back to our daily bread. He trained bakers in seminars, and he started health educational efforts to inform the population. This chapter tells the exciting history of this work. Interesting, how fast pressure groups (whose bases of existence are certain chronic diseases) appeared on the scene, trying to stop his health education of the population, even by starting court cases against the author! He didn't give up. Hundreds of bakeries were very successful for about 20 years with his original recipes, until it came to alterations of the recipes without his authorization. He had to withhold his permission to use and to refer to his original recipes at that time. For more information, please click here or on the picture.
Wholemeal breads and bakery products according to the original recipes of Dr. J. G. Schnitzer
New Licenses for Original Whole Grain Recipes
Now there is a new prospect for bakeries, bakers who are conscious of their influence on - and responsibility for - the health of their customers. The author grants now new licenses for bakers, who sign by contract to bake exactly according to his original recipes. If you would like to motivate your bakery, please click here or on the picture.
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer, born 1st June 1930, picture summer 1996; for detailed biography please click on the picture
The Author:     a) Short biography     b) Detailed biography
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer, born 1 June 1930 in Freiburg/Breisgau in Germany, is the author and editor of this Internet Site "Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service". He wrote 20 plus books with some hundreds of thousands of published copies, and numerous studies, essays and articles. His most important goal: A synthesis of civilization and health, to allow mankind a healthy and happy life in an ecological balance with a rich, healthy, respected and well-kept nature. To read more, please click on a) or b).
Do your friends a favor

After being so lucky yourself to have found this Internet Site, think about your friends also. Nearly everybody is struggling with health problems, chronic complaints or problems of fitness, not succeeding in most cases, in spite of permanent treatments and many costs. Do your friends a favor - inform them by adding the Internet address of  "Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service" <http://www.doc-schnitzer.com> to your E-mails and on your homepage. To read more about, please click here.

German site: survey + short descriptions

Facts, that should make you think a lot

about your health and your personal and your family's risks
of falling ill to chronic civilization's ailments

Those who are "living normal", as most people do, probably will become chronically sick, as most people do. The most widespread complaints, diseases, ailments and degeneration symptoms are:

Actually widespread chronic civilization ailments

Alzheimer disease
Angina pectoris
Anxiety psychosis
Bad memory
Cancer, different types of
Chronic rheumatic polyarthritis
Colitis ulcerosa
Concentration, lack of
Dental caries
Diabetes I
Diabetes II
Diabetes, blindness
Diabetes, gangrene
Diabetes, later consequences
Diabetes, leg amputation
Gravidity complaints
Hair problems
Heart attack
High blood pressure
Immune deficiency
Impairment of reproduction (risk consequences: children with malposition of teeth, malformation of face, skeleton and body, acceleration, osteogenesis imperfecta, brain handicaps, weak memory, reading, speaking and writing weaknesses, asthenopia, aggressivity, muscle handicaps, senility, immune deficiency, growth problems)
Intestine complaints
Menstruation complaints
Mental defatigation
Multiple sclerosis
Muscular atrophy
Nervous prostration
Night sweats
Obesity, Overweight
Osteogenesis imperfecta

Renal paralysis
Sensitivity to infections
Stomach complaints
Vigor deficiency
Weakness of vision
Only those people who are taking special precautions, improve their option to prevent such diseases or, if already ill, to re-conquer their health.

Some more facts are:

In spite of all medical efforts and tremendous treatment costs, people are more sick than ever before. About 50% of “higher life expectancy” medical proponents claim to be due to their efforts, is best described as coming specifically from better birth hygiene. The other 50% doesn't come from improved health: "Modern medicine” is only able to keep sick people alive longer, but generally without curing them. Medical doctors are themselves not healthier than the population. The main cause of death - hypertension and it's consequences, the cardiovascular diseases - kills a higher percentage of the medical doctors than in the population. 
     We are far from a natural life expectancy of man (=140-150 years). Only one of 110 people (less than 1% of the population) dies of old age. Most of the others die much earlier of avoidable and curable chronic diseases (e.g. about 50% die from cardiovascular diseases). Obesity, affecting estimated at 95 million Americans, isn't being permanently cured by the usual advice to reduce calories and increase exercise.  It's only a symptomatic measure and makes obese people suffering a lot for only temporary results .....

Who would have an economic interest to tell the truth,
how you could protect your natural health
from civilization ailments?

We are living in a world that is ruled in the first place by interests of profit, power and influence. This is okay, so far as the profit comes from useful services to the human society, the power from the assent of many to one's goals, and the influence from respect to the wisdom of given advice. It becomes wrong as soon as profit is made from disadvantages to the society, power misused to suppress the truth e.g. to protect economic interests, and influence usurped e.g. to protect hidden and immoral economic interests of pressure groups on the costs of damages to the human society.
     For you and your family - living in this world of economic and other interests - it is a question of fate to analyze: Who could have an economic interest to tell you the truth, how you could protect your natural health from civilization ailments? I will help you by a short checklist (if you find more points, please inform me):.
  • The "modern medicine"? Perhaps you believe that "modern medicine" is concerned with your health. Many people believe this. This medical system is nearly exclusively concerned with your diseases. Students of medicine don't learn how to maintain your natural health. They learn how to diagnose and treat (in most cases not even to cure) your diseases. If you are healthy and would go for a checkup, you would probably not get diagnosed e.g. a "health degree five"; you would get "findings negative". From the economic point of view, this diagnose expresses correctly what your health means to the medical system. Health is beyond the horizon, economic interest and knowledge of the system of "modern medicine", "health care", "health plans" and "health policy". Even what's named "prevention" by this system, in truth means an earlier discovery of diseases ("findings earlier positive"), to start earlier a long-term treatment ("earnings earlier positive").
  • .
  • "Health policy"? Health politicians need experts to develop their health policy. Most of these experts are representatives of "modern medicine" and of its "ruling doctrines". Their strategies are based on the idea to fight down all diseases by all means, expecting health remaining as the left-over of this war. Unfortunately, even many patients don't remain, because they pass away before the war ends. Also, policy is under the influence of economic interests and pressure groups. They can't inform the population with the truth about preconditions of health; this truth would touch too many economic interests of considerable volume in the country. Really they would come into trouble, touching the interests of those, whose products cause diseases, and interests of others, who live from services and products to treat these diseases. What an economic disaster it would be, if all of a sudden the general health would break out, like a communicable disease! (In truth, knowledge about preconditions of health is "communicable", transferable by communication and information).
  • .
  • Insurances? At first look, fewer expenses for treatment costs could mean more profit for insurances. At second look, healthy people, who know their health is based on solid knowledge about its preconditions,  would lose their fear of getting sick, and stop their insurance contracts. So, don't expect too much health information from that side.
  • .
  • Agriculture? It's true, the most important precondition of natural health is natural nutrition. Agriculture is producing all you need for a healthy life. Are they interested to sell to you just what is the healthiest for you? No. Because it is just their cheapest products with nearly no profit on it: Cereals, legumes (pulses), leafy salads, root vegetables, fruits, nuts. They prefer to make more profit by feeding the cheap products to animals to produce meat. For meat, the consumers (you) pay much more for much less health and food value. Also it makes the consumers become interesting members of the diseases target group.
  • .
  • Food industry? Their economic principle is, to take cheap raw materials, and to process it. This causes costs, and plus their profit it makes a higher price. The end product prices are considerably higher, and the health values are considerably lower than those of the raw materials. How could you expect them to tell you the truth about the paradox correlation between health value and price of their food products?
  • .
  • The mass media? As you know, they finance their publications by paid advertisements in their media. Clear, if they would publish information that could touch the interests of their paying clients, they would lose these clients and their payments. Nobody would or could replace the lost profit, paying them for having published the plain and complete truth about health and diseases. So, what they can offer, are only  certain parts of the truth, which don't touch economic interests of their clients. Other parts of the truth (which could be essential for health of people) they can't publish. By touching economic interests of their clients, they would touch their own interests as well.
  • .
    You see, you nearly are left by yourself when searching the complete truth about preconditions of health. When as a young man I had found my first results to prevent chronic diseases and degeneration, I was optimistic to convince the health politicians and representatives of "modern medicine", to take over and evaluate my findings. What I learned in the following 4 decades: You can't change the system, because the economic interests are not correlated with health, they are correlated with the diseases and their causes. A friend of mine, a Swiss scientist, said: "In a wrong system the wrong measure is right, and the right measure is wrong".
         The only ones who really could be interested in their health are the people themselves, the single persons like you, for themselves, and for their families. If they know at all the danger they are in! A large part of the population don't even know this. As "brainwashed" by the permanent flow of publications of the diseases system, they think, so long as they take all pills prescribed for their ailments, that they would be on the safe side. They are not! When at last they notice that it was a false hope, it's often too late.

That's why this “Health Secrets Service”
can be helpful for you and your family.

You will learn how to prevent and cure diseases by health. You will acquire the knowledge about the natural basics of health. This Service starts with cure of hypertension, the main killer of civilization. It's a matter of only weeks, to normalize blood pressure in a natural way, and to leave the risk zone of sudden fatal cardiovascular events. The service continues with the natural solution for the obesity problem. This way much more knowledge is transferred to you, because what you learn is to reestablish yours and your family's natural basis of health. In People's Reports (later on this site) you will read, how many other ailments and complaints just disappeared together with the overweight, without going hungry - and how even others with the opposite problem (appetite deficiency, underweight) have gained weight with the same basis of health. Because health doesn't reduce or increase body weight or blood pressure: Health normalizes and optimizes your weight and your blood pressure. Even diabetes becomes curable in most cases, as explained on this site.
     It is so easy and simple, as all real truth is. All that you have to do is: Learn it and try it. Once into the first days the early results will convince you. 
Friedrichshafen (Germany), 2004 + 2018   Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
© Copyright 1998-2004-2018 (complete Site) by Dr. J. G. Schnitzer, D-88045 Friedrichshafen, Germany
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