

of a Study about the Efficacy
of Nutritional Measures to
Normalize the Blood Pressure
Without Medication

by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer and Dr. Kurt Gruber

The measures to cure hypertension are described in the book "Hypertension Causes & Cure".
To print this evaluation (PDF-file): Evaluation of a Study to normalize the Blood Pressure without Medication.
The complete study with all original data is published on this Website: Introduction: How they cured their Hypertension.
The language of most participants in the study is German. German introduction: Einführung: Wie sie ihren Bluthochdruck heilten.
The Evaluation of the Study in German: Auswertungen der Bluthochdruckstudie (html).

To print the Evaluation in German: Auswertungen der Bluthochdruckstudie (PDF).

The chapters of this page
Purpose of this hypertension study: To which questions the answers are searched 
Definitions of the study
Participants in the study
How effective are the recommended nutritional measures in normalizing a previously high blood pressure?
Hypotensive efficacy of the usual hypertension medication, intra-individually compared to the hypotensive efficacy of this nutritional therapy
Efficacy of the recommended nutrition in those participants, who before by medication couldn't bring their blood pressure down to the hypertension borderline
Reported complaints of all 79 participants in the study from hypertension, without (before) medication
Reported complaints under medication of all participants who were taking hypotensive medication
Complaints after change of nutrition and cease of medication
Compared frequencies of complaints before and under medication, and after change of nutrition and cease of medication
Experiences of the participants of the study exceeding the normalization of their blood pressure after change of nutrition and cease of medication
Doctors (Physicians, MDs, medical doctors)
How were the participants of the study supported by their physicians?
How did the physicians of the participants comment this therapy?
Results, recommendations, thanks to the participants of the study
This document as a PDF file to print ( no. of pages)

Important results anticipated:

  • 54 of 58 participants of the study were able to reduce their blood pressure to maximal 140/90 mm/Hg or lower by applying the recommended change in their nutrition - without taking any medication. The remaining 4 participants too reached an improvement of their data. The participants report about numerous cures of very different complaints, and a significant gain of health, life quality, physical and mental fitness, and joy of life.

  • Only 21 of 41 participants, who had taken hypotensive medication, could reduce their blood pressure by this medication to 140/90 mm/Hg or lower. These 41 participants reported a total of 155 complaints (side-effects).

  • In 20 of 41 participants, who had taken hypotensive medication, despite medication their blood pressure remained above the hypertension borderline of 140/90 mm/Hg (WHO).

  • 18 of these 20 participants, who had experienced a failure of medication,  could reduce their blood pressure to 140/90 mm/Hg or lower, by change of their nutrition and cease of their medication. The remaining 2 participants reached - by changing nutrition and cease of medication - blood pressure data, which were better (lower) than before under medication.

Purpose of this hypertension study:
To which questions the answers are searched

The actual unsatisfying hypertension situation

Actually, in the highly civilized countries every other adult person is suffering from hypertension. Many of them are impaired considerably for years, even for decades in their life quality, efficiency, and fitness. The serious later consequences happen suddenly: Heart attack, stroke, embolism, kidney failure etc. Many of those who survive, stay handicapped for the rest of their life. Many others don't survive such fatal events.

The "modern medicine" has no cure to offer. On the contrary: The medical system and the pharmaceutical industry have arranged themselves with this civilization ailment in a rather lucrative manner. The "ruling medical doctrine" says: "Hypertension is incurable. The causes are unknown. In case of hypertension, the only possibility is a daily intake of hypotensive medication for the rest of the life of the patient." For that purpose, the "standard therapy of hypertension" has been developed on. From before 3 different pills, the "therapy" (which doesn't cure) has been expanded to 5 different drugs, which daily have to be taken by the patients. The doctrine says: "This therapy protects from the later consequences." This claim but is defeated in a deadly manner by the mortality statistics: Despite all those hypertension pills, every other citizen of the highly civilized countries dies of cardiovascular diseases, the later consequences of hypertension.

Hypertension is a lucrative disease for medicine and pharmaceutical industry: It creates 50 % of all patients filling the waiting rooms of the doctors' practices. The doctors' prescriptions of hypertension pills create a daily turnover (on 365 days per year) of e.g. in Germany alone 75 million EUR. That's hypertension pills for 27.3 billion EUR (21.9 billion US$) per year in Germany alone. That's big business for medicine and pharmaceutical industry.

But for the millions of patients, suffering from hypertension and the later consequences, the situation is everything else than satisfying. Depending on daily intake of several drugs for lifetime without any hope of cure, despite pills a blood pressure above normal, heavy multiple "side effects" of the medication, and by that an impaired life quality, and reduced physical and mental capacities - that's not what patients originally have expected from their doctors. It's neither cure, nor it's restoration of the patients' natural health.

For the national economy of every country, the suffering and impairment of 33 % of the population by hypertension is an economic catastrophe. 50 % of the staff of companies are reduced in their physical and mental performance and reliability by hypertension, which aggravates in those who take hypertension pills. It results in a serious negative effect on the productivity as well as on the quality level of the enterprises of the country. In addition, the lucrative earnings and profits of medicine and pharmaceutical industry are on the other side of the coin the immense diseases costs for the social system, which cause high social insurance fees. Therefore the production costs are high, the product prices too are higher on the international markets. Finally, by the costs and the loss of productivity it causes, hypertension has become one of the main sources of the high unemployment rate e.g. in Germany.

If hypertension would be cured within 10-12 weeks (what's feasible), instead of being "treated" for lifetime, the social insurance fees could be cut by 50 % in the short time of some months. This could become a decisive contribution to more productivity and higher product quality at lower costs, and so reduce the unemployment rates considerably, and improve the national economy of countries where hypertension presently is endemic.

Such a cure of hypertension was already introduced to the professional medical world in fall 1987 - on the Medical Week Baden-Baden, Germany. For a full day of this congress, the method was explained in lectures, and several cured patients were presented and could be interviewed by the physicians in the audience. At the same time, two books were published, one for the hypertonic patients, one for the physicians, explaining causes and cure of hypertension. The report about this event with the lectures was published in the medical journal "Erfahrungsheilkunde" (Heidelberg, December 1987).

However, this possibility to cure hypertension was not used by the "medical world". On the contrary. For another 3 decades, the medical establishment continued with their ineffective medication, for the patients unsatisfying, but for the doctors and the pharmaceutical sector highly lucrative as "standard therapy of hypertension". Even this "therapy" was extended from 3 to 5 different hypertension drugs, which made it even more profitable (but not more effective, besides not curing hypertension).

Perhaps some humble questioning of patients, exploring if there could be a cure, and if such is possible with only a change of nutrition, which in several cases has resulted in curing hypertension as reported. These questions are rejected with arrogance: "This could be only single cases - there are no scientific studies - hypertension is incurable - only the life-long intake of hypertension pills is useful, their efficacy has been proven in countless scientific studies ..."

What such doctors don't tell their patients: That all those studies, and often also the medical staff as well as the participants in the studies, are more or less massively "sponsored" by the pharmaceutical company who is producing the tested drug; and that studies which don't promote or even don't need a drug, are excluded from every industrial or governmental sponsoring. The reason: So long as there are no such studies, the pill treatment and business can continue undisturbed, and it remains easy to argue "there are no studies, the efficacy of natural methods isn't scientifically proven ..."

It's a purpose of this study, to make such hypocritical, insincere, and lame excuses impossible, which are used to keep the patients depending on drugs and medicine, and to put them on permanent medication. By the proven fact, that hypertension is curable, the way is opened to a new "standard therapy" of hypertension, which means the cure of the disease.

Therefore, this study investigates the spectrum of efficacy of the recommended natural, man-appropriate nutrition, compares it with the spectrum of efficacy of the "pill treatment", and documents the scientific results of the evaluations.

The goal of this hypertension study

The goal of this hypertension study is: 

  • To prove that hypertension as a civilization condition is curable in general, and
  • to open the way to a new "standard therapy of hypertension", which means the "standard cure of hypertension".

This is an important step on the way to a synthesis of a highly developed civilization and health, that means a civilization without civilization diseases. Because a normal blood pressure - normal by nature without medication - indicates the supply of all organs, tissues and cells of the organism with oxygen and energy working "within the green range". This is an important precondition for the complete good health constitution as well as for the prevention and cure of many other chronic diseases and susceptibilities..

Questions, which therefore need answers

Answers especially are needed for patients, who suffer from hypertension and want to recover their natural health, and for all people, who want to protect themselves from hypertension by private or professional reasons (e.g. pilots, who would lose their pilot license if getting hypertension). These questions have been investigated and answered by the subsequent evaluations:

  1. Is it possible to cure hypertension by appropriate nutritional measures, and if yes, how effective are these measures, that means "How effective are the recommended nutritional measures in normalizing a previously elevated blood pressure?"
  2. How is the hypotensive effect of the recommended nutritional measures, compared to the usual hypotensive medication, that means which are the results of a "Comparison between the efficacy of the usual medication and the efficacy of this nutritional therapy?"
  3. In many patients, despite medication their blood pressure remains elevated. Are such patients basically resistant to any therapy, or can still nutritional measures even help such patients? The investigated question is: "How well do the recommended nutritional measures work in those hypertonic patients, in which medication couldn't lower their blood pressure down to the hypertension borderline 140/90 mm/Hg (WHO)?"
  4. Above all, it's the patient's own subjective feeling, which signalizes him that everything is okay with his health, or, if it becomes worse, finally causes him to go to a doctor - especially if real complaints have developed. Also the success of the measures the doctor has recommended, above all is measured by the question, if the complaints have been cured by the therapy, and if the feeling of natural well being has returned. Therefore, we have investigated and listed as relevant: (a) "Reported complaints of all 79 participants of this hypertension study without (before) medication"; (b) "Reported complaints under medication of all participants of the study, who had taken medication"; (c) "Complaints after change of nutrition and cease of medication".
  5. The medical hypertension treatment in the first place tries to force the blood pressure down by medication; therefore, "side effects" have to be accepted. The nutritional treatment tries to restore the natural health of the patient; as a "side effect" of the recovery, the organism can also regulate the blood pressure down to normal. That's why - besides a normalization of the blood pressure - additional positive health effects can be expected. Therefore, we have investigated and listed up: "Experiences of the participants in the study exceeding the normalization of their blood pressure after change of nutrition and cease of medication".
  6. Physicians play a key role for the health of their patients. The patients trust them and expect to get the best advices for their recovery from their physician. For the recovery of each single patient as well as for all patients as a whole, it's therefore decisive, which treatments and curing therapies physicians recommend and apply. If a successful therapy exists, which the doctors but don't recommend and don't apply, only a few patients will start to think and allow doubts to rise about the competence of their doctor. A whole population can waste away with chronic civilization ailments, even if methods of prevention and cure exist, if the "ruling doctrine" has decided these ailments to be incurable and therefore to be treated by medication for all one's life. Therefore, we have investigated these questions: "How were the participants of this hypertension study supported by their doctors?" and "How did the doctors of the participants express their opinion on this therapy?" The doctors' comments then are subdivided in "Positive comments/attitude of doctors towards this therapy" and "Negative, disapproving comments/attitude of doctors towards this therapy".

The answers to these questions are given below. As an outcome of this hypertension study, at the end the answers are summarized, and recommendations are derived to all hypertonic patients, to all physicians who treat those, and to all politicians - especially to those, who are involved in "health politics".

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Definitions of the study

Study according to the principles of Evidence-based Medicine

This study proceeds according to the principles of the new "evidence-based medicine", a method, which draws its findings and conclusions from the evidence - in contrary to the (still wide ranges of medicine ruling) "opinion-based medicine", which refers to opinions of "authorities" (doctrines of the school-medicine).

To evaluate and objectify easily the quality of statements and the real level of findings of studies, the American Heart Association has developed a classification of the "evidence-based medicine", which comprises 8 classes. In 1998, W. F. Dick modified it for the emergency medicine (see below):

Levels of Evidence

Level Definition Examples
1 Statistically significant, randomized, controlled studies or meta-analysis with statistically significant results. Meta-analysis of many randomized, controlled studies with homogenous and statistically significant therapy effects or with heterogeneous results, which but still are statistically significant as a whole.
2 Statistically not significant, randomized, controlled studies or meta-analysis; statistically not significant meta-analyses of inconsistent, randomized, controlled studies. Meta-analyses of many, randomized, controlled studies with consistent therapy effects, which but statistically aren't significant; meta-analysis of many, randomized, controlled studies, with heterogeneous and statistically not significant therapy effects.
3 Prospective, controlled, but not randomized cohort studies Prospective studies in a cohort of patients, who in relation to the intervention aren't randomized; the investigators usually try to establish a simultaneously treated control group or comparative group.
4 Historical, not randomized cohort or case control studies. Historical, not randomized cohort studies; retrospective studies or observation studies; the investigators try to offer a control or comparative group.
5 Progress studies on patients. Studies, in which patients either prospectively or retrospectively are included in succession, and in which the effects of an intervention are observed; no control group.
6 Animal experimental studies and mechanistic model studies. Animal experimental or mechanistic studies.
7 Reasonable extrapolation of existing data; quasi-experimental design. Reasonable extrapolation at (with) quasi-experimental design, or of existing data, which have been collected for other purposes.
8 Rational supposition (common belief); historical acceptance as standard practice. The practice is corresponding with the common belief, or appears to have validity. As a standard practice passed on, prior to the requirements of scientifically (evidence-based medicine) verified recommendations; no new scientific findings to support a change; no hints to a negative effect.

(Classification of "Level of Evidence" according to the American Heart Association AHA, modified by W. F. Dick:
Evidence-based emergency medicine; Anaesthesist 1998; 47: 957 and Circulation 2000; 102: I-4; s. http://www.aed-bayern.de/de/wissen/ebm.jsp

This hypertension study corresponds with Level 5 of "evidence-based medicine": Progress study on patients.


Normal range of blood pressure as a basis of this study

The WHO (World Health Organization) defines as the borderline between normal blood pressure and hypertension 140/90 mm/Hg (published 1999, s. http://www.netdoktor.at). This borderline we also used as a basis of this hypertension study. The WHO gives the following classification:

Optimal blood pressure:   Below 120/80 mm/Hg
Normal blood pressure:   Below 130/85 mm/Hg
Borderline to hypertension:   140/90 mm/Hg
Degree 1: Mild hypertension:   Below 160/100 mm/Hg
Degree 2: Medium hypertension:   Below 180/110 mm/Hg
Degree 3: Serious hypertension:   Above 180/110 mm/Hg

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Participants in the study

How far are the participants in this study representative for hypertonic patients in general?

Out of the mass of many millions of hypertonic patients, the participants in this study are those, who didn't want to reconcile themselves to the prescribed life-long intake of pills, who therefore started their own search for better solutions, and accidentally have found https://www.dr-schnitzer.de on the Internet, where hypertension is told to be curable.

Therefore it's a question, how far the participants in the study are representative for hypertonic patients in general.

It could be possible e.g., that especially those patients became interested in this therapy, who had experienced an insufficient efficacy of the usual hypotensive medication, while the efficacy of the common hypertension medication in general, in all hypertonic patients as a whole, possibly could be much higher.

To find an answer to this question, as a first step we investigated the percentage within the participants of this study, who had been under hypertension medication before, and who had reached (although only symptomatically and with side effects) a "normal" blood pressure with this medication:

Only in 51 % of the participants in this study,
who had taken hypertension pills,
this medication lowered the high blood pressure
down to the hypertension borderline (140/90 mm/Hg) or below.

As a next step, we searched for published findings to compare the percentages. On a meeting of the American Society of Hypertension in May 2000 this was reported:

"More than 43 million Americans have high blood pressure (hypertension), but less than one third of them have achieved targeted levels of blood pressure. Even among the 23.4 million who take antihypertensive medications, only 42.9% of these patients actually get their blood pressure down to acceptable levels. This failure to adequately treat high blood pressure could cost $1 billion in excess health costs due to stroke, heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure and other illnesses, according to the study." Dr. Joseph Mercola (http://www.mercola.com/2000/may/28/blood_pressure.htm), who reports this, continues: "Unfortunately, the authors of the study only recommend that blood pressure be treated more aggressively using standard medications. Nothing is said concerning diet, exercise, stress reduction, or any natural supplements to help reduce blood pressure."

Considering the relatively small number of participants in our hypertension study, the percentages of medication failures are very similar. Therefore, it's very probable, that under medical aspects the participants in our study represent to a high degree the hypertonic patients as a whole.

Which reports of participants couldn't be evaluated?

Some reports of the total of 79 participants couldn't be evaluated because of different reasons. These reasons were in details:

Reason of exclusion Numbers
Still taking medication 13
Nutritional advices not regularly applied 3
Missing blood pressure data 2
Only 30 % of the nutritional advices applied 1
Blood pressure already normal in the beginning 1
Participant has reported twice 1
Excluded in total 21
Total number of the participants in the study 79
Evaluable reports of participants 58

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How effective are the recommended nutritional measures in normalizing a previously high blood pressure?

To investigate this question, we evaluated from all 58 participants, who - after change of nutrition and when delivering their report to us - did no more take any medication:

  1. their blood pressure data before taking any medication;
  2. their blood pressure data after change of nutrition, cease of every medication and delivery of their report.


Participant Blood pressure before Recommended nutrition Blood pressure now
No. systolic diastolic followed at % systolic diastolic
4 150 95 72 % 120 75
5 175 105 67 % 160 90
6 165 95 83 % 131 80
7 140 95 78 % 135 90
9 170 110 83 % 115 80
10 145 90 95 % 128 76
11 160 100 90 % 128 85
12 145 95 90 % 125 75
13 180 120 85 % 130 80
15 190 110 72 % 157 60
17 167 103 67 % 120 83
18 229 99 89 % 113 49
19 212 140 56 % 120 85
20 160 100 95 % 134 88
22 155 90 65 % 120 75
23 170 100 70 % 135 80
24 170 95 80 % 128 80
25 140 100 90 % 115 75
28 150 95 85 % 124 82
29 170 100 75 % 125 85
32 150 95 75 % 120 80
33 145 100 70 % 128 88
34 160 100 80 % 125 82
35 160 115 85 % 135 85
36 180 120 95 % 135 90
37 175 110 70 % 125 80
38 140 95 90 % 105 65
39 165 100 90 % 135 75
40 150 100 70 % 117 77
43 180 90 95 % 122 68
44 150 95 75 % 127 75
45 200 120 60 % 130 78
46 150 95 80 % 128 85
47 160 95 65 % 125 85
48 170 95 60 % 135 82
49 155 110 85 % 125 80
50 180 110 75 % 135 85
51 190 95 65 % 125 75
52 160 90 55 % 135 80
55 160 110 70 % 135 80
56 161 81 50 % 137 75
57 160 100 70 % 125 75
62 140 110 45 % 120 80
63 150 100 65 % 130 85
65 200 100 75 % 130 76
66 170 90 65 % 135 80
67 180 100 95 % 130 70
68 184 95 70 % 137 72
69 160 95 45 % 130 78
70 160 95 90 % 128 74
71 160 105 60 % 130 80
73 190 110 80 % 132 84
74 214 103 65 % 145 80
75 170 110 75 % 155 93
76 185 115 40 % 135 89
77 150 90 90 % 115 70
78 150 80 60 % 134 62
79 200 110 80 % 123 85

54 of the 58 participants - that's 93 % of the participants - reached without any medication, by predominantly (median 75 %) following the recommended nutrition, blood pressure data at or below the hypertension borderline (WHO), therefore became cured from their previous hypertension.

Based on these data, we deduce with a certainty of 95 % a success rate between 83 % and 98 % for all hypertonic patients as a whole.

The following average data result from the table above:

Average data: How effectively did the recommended nutritional measures normalize a previously elevated blood pressure?
Participant Blood pressure before Recommended nutrition Blood pressure now
No. systolic diastolic followed at % systolic diastolic
s. above 167 101 74 % 129 79

These average data show a highly significant, not only blood pressure lowering, but blood pressure normalizing efficacy of the recommended nutritional measures, and this already at only 75 % (median) compliance of the recommendations.

It's worthy of notice, that there's still a considerable "reserve of efficacy" of not yet used 26 % nutritional measures. In addition, the also recommended small bloodlettings, which are highly effective to take the patient immediately out of the cardiovascular risk zone, were nearly not at all used.

It's interesting to take a closer look at the 4 participants, in which the blood pressure still remained elevated:

Participant 5: He still consumes regularly milk and milk products, and avoids meat and fish only "mostly" (following the recommended nutrition at 67 %). Despite he reached an improvement from before medication 175/105 mm/Hg, under medication (4 different hypotensive drugs) 170/95 mm/Hg, to 160/90 mm/Hg after change of nutrition and immediate cease of any medication. And he reports: "The good status of my health has persisted, I'm stable, have hardly ever a cold, and the wish for sex also has returned."

Participant 15: He eats only sometimes this (especially important) breakfast muesli from germinable, freshly ground cereals; he eats never germinated pulses; and he avoids milk, milk products and boiled vegetables only "mostly" (at 72 % following the nutritional recommendations). Despite he reached an improvement from before medication 190/110 mm/Hg, under medication (5 different hypotensive drugs, one of them even to take twice per day) 165/85 mm/Hg, to 154/60 after change of nutrition and immediate cease of all medication. And he reports: "Lost twenty pounds, have better digestion, no bloating, constipation cured, blood pressure greatly improved without medication."

Participant 74: He has just started to change his nutrition 4 weeks ago. In addition, he consumes only sometimes whole grain bread made from freshly milled cereal grains; he avoids meat, fish, milk and milk products only "mostly", and he consumes regularly boiled vegetables and juices (following at 65 % the recommended nutrition). Despite he reached an improvement from before medication 214/103 mm/Hg, under medication (1 hypotensive drug, only taken for some days) 140/80 mm/Hg, to 145/80 mm/Hg already after only 4 weeks of changed nutrition and immediate cease of any medication.

Participant 75: He consumes only sometimes germinated pulses; he avoids only "mostly" meat, fish, milk and milk products; in addition he eats still regularly boiled vegetables. Despite he reached an improvement from before medication 170/110 mm/Hg, under medication (1 hypotensive drug) 130/90 mm/Hg, to 153/93 mm/Hg after change of nutrition and immediate cease of medication. And he reports: "All these self-responsible measures, and, of course, the provably good results encouraged me, so that today I feel good, up to very good."

Too, all 4 participants (7 % of the evaluable cases), who not yet have reached a completely normal blood pressure, could improve their blood pressure values considerably and abandon every medication; and 3 participants report about their essentially improved well-being. One participant was yet too short in the study (4 weeks since change of nutrition).

The question "How effective are the recommended nutritional measures in normalizing a previously high blood pressure?" can be answered as follows:

The method, recommended in the book "Hypertension Causes & Cure", to cure hypertension mainly by a natural, man-appropriate nutrition, can be evaluated as highly effective. This therapy is by far superior to the presently still common symptomatic medication treatment for lifetime. The nutritional therapy not only lowers a high blood pressure more effectively than pills - it results in a complete cure of hypertension.

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Hypotensive efficacy of the usual hypertension medication, intra-individually compared to the hypotensive efficacy of this nutrition therapy

41 participants of the study had - before participating the study - taken medication to lower their blood pressure. This permits an intra-individual (in the same person) comparison of the efficacy of the usual "standard therapy" of hypertension by medication to the efficacy of the recommended nutritional measures, regarding to the lowering and normalizing effects on elevated blood pressure. For this, we have compared

  1. Their blood pressure values before any medication,
  2. their blood pressure values under medication, and
  3. their blood pressure values after change of nutrition, when delivering their reports.
Participant Blood pressure before medication Blood pressure under medication Blood pressure under the recommended nutrition
No. systolic diastolic systolic diastolic systolic diastolic
4 150 95 145 92 120 75
5 175 105 170 95 160 90
6 165 95 165 120 131 80
7 140 95 130 85 135 90
10 145 90 155 90 128 76
11 160 100 145 100 128 85
12 145 95 140 90 125 75
13 180 120 150 100 130 80
15 190 110 165 85 157 60
18 229 99 222 97 113 49
19 212 140 212 160 120 85
20 160 100 135 90 134 88
22 155 90 140 85 120 75
23 170 100 160 95 135 80
24 170 95 140 90 128 80
28 150 95 135 88 124 82
33 145 100 135 95 128 88
34 160 100 145 95 125 82
35 160 115 160 108 135 85
36 180 120 110 75 135 90
37 175 110 130 80 125 80
38 140 95 135 85 105 65
39 165 100 145 85 135 75
44 150 95 135 85 127 75
46 150 95 150 90 128 85
48 170 95 135 85 135 82
52 160 90 135 80 135 80
55 160 110 140 90 135 80
62 140 110 130 100 120 80
63 150 100 130 90 130 85
65 200 100 128 70 130 76
67 180 100 135 75 130 70
68 184 95 160 85 137 72
69 160 95 140 85 130 78
71 160 105 130 90 130 80
73 190 110 165 96 132 84
74 214 103 140 80 145 80
75 170 110 130 90 155 93
76 185 115 135 90 135 89
78 150 80 144 67 134 62
79 200 110 140 93 123 85

Only 21 of these 41 participants - that means 51 % - could reach blood pressure values by medication, which are below or correspond with the hypertension borderline 140/90 mm/Hg (WHO). In 49 % of these participants, despite medication, the blood pressure remained essentially above - up to far beyond - this hypertension borderline (WHO).

Based on these data, we deduce with a certainty of 95 % a success rate between 35 % and 67 % for all hypertonic patients as a whole, to bring their blood pressure down by medication to or below the hypertension borderline of 140/90 mm/Hg (WHO).

The following average data result from the table above:

Average data: Efficacy of medication compared to the efficacy of the recommended nutritional measures
Participant Blood pressure before medication Blood pressure under medication Blood pressure under the recommended nutrition
No. systolic diastolic systolic diastolic systolic diastolic
s. above 168 102 146 91 131 79

These average data demonstrate:

Under the usual "standard therapy of hypertension" by medication, even in the average of the 41 participants who had taken medication before, with 146/91 mm/Hg the systolic blood pressure as well as the diastolic blood pressure remained above the hypertension borderline.

In contrast to this, under the recommended nutrition, even in average of the 41 participants who had taken medication before, the blood pressure normalized with 129/79 mm/Hg far below the hypertension borderline (WHO: 140/90 mm/Hg) into the normal range, the systolic as well as the diastolic values (normal blood pressure as defined by WHO: "Below 130/85 mm/Hg).

About the success rate of patients, who before by medication couldn't bring down their blood pressure to the hypertension borderline, to reach this by nutritional measures, see the next evaluation.

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Efficacy of the recommended nutrition in those participants, who before by medication couldn't bring their blood pressure down to the hypertension borderline

Cases, in which the applied therapy doesn't reach the intended efficacy, in medicine are called "resistant to therapy" - a rather unfair approach, because condemning the patient "guilty" of the failure, while the medical side is washing their hands of it, although it's their "therapy", which has failed.

In all participants, listed in the following table, the usual hypertension pills therapy didn't reach the intended efficacy; on the contrary, in each of them one or both blood pressure values remained above the hypertension borderline.

Participant Blood pressure before medication Blood pressure under medication Blood pressure under the recommended nutrition
No. systolic diastolic systolic diastolic systolic diastolic
4 150 95 145 92 120 75
5 175 105 170 95 160 90
6 165 95 165 120 131 80
10 145 90 155 90 128 76
11 160 100 145 100 128 85
13 180 120 150 100 130 80
15 190 110 165 85 157 60
18 229 99 222 97 113 49
19 212 140 212 160 120 85
23 170 100 160 95 135 80
33 145 100 135 95 128 88
34 160 100 145 95 125 82
35 160 115 160 108 135 85
39 165 100 145 85 135 75
46 150 95 150 90 128 85
62 140 110 130 100 120 80
68 184 95 160 85 137 72
73 190 110 165 96 132 84
78 150 80 144 67 134 62
79 200 110 140 93 123 85

18 of these participants - that means 90 % - in which the usual hypertension treatment by medication couldn't normalize their blood pressure, have succeeded by applying the recommended nutritional measures to normalize their blood pressure down to or below the hypertension borderline.

Also the remaining 2 participants have reached - by applying the recommended nutrition and ceasing the medication - lower blood pressure values, than before by medication.

Based on these data, we deduce with a certainty of 95 % a success rate between 68 % and 99 % for all hypertonic patients as a whole, in which the blood pressure values remained above the hypertension borderline despite medication, to bring their blood pressure down by medication to or below the hypertension borderline of 140/90 mm/Hg (WHO).

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Reported complaints of all 79 participants in the study from hypertension, without (before) medication

The following complaints from hypertension, so long as not treated by medication, were reported by the 79 participants in the study (repeatedly reported complaints are repeatedly listed):

001 apathetic,

002 attack of migraine,

003 attacks of headache,

004 beating of the heart when making an effort,

005 beating of the heart,

006 beating of the heart,

007 beating of the heart,

008 blurry vision,

009 buzzing in the ears,

010 cardiac insufficiency,

011 chronic constipation,

012 circulatory collapse,

013 cold sweat in the night,

014 cold sweat,

015 constipation,

016 continuous interruptions of breathing,

017 depressions,

018 difficulties of speech,

019 difficulty in breathing,

020 disturbance,

021 dizziness,

022 dizziness,

023 dizziness,

024 dizziness,

025 dizziness,

026 dizziness,

027 dizziness,

028 dizzy,

029 extremities unbearably feeling cold,

030 fast pulse rate,

031 fear,

032 feeling as if the blood is boiling,

033 feeling odd,

034 feeling of dizziness,

035 feeling of pressure in the head,

036 feeling of tightness in the chest area,

037 feeling the beating of the heart,

038 feelings of dizziness,

039 flabby,

040 fluctuations of mood,

041 fluctuations of the heart rhythm,

042 foot pains,

043 frequently getting a cold,

044 general indisposition,

045 hammering in the head,

046 hands dottery,

047 hands swollen,

048 head, pressure in the,

049 headache,

050 headache,

051 headache,

052 headache,

053 headache,

054 headache,

055 headache,

056 headache,

057 headache,

058 heart attack,

059 heavy headache,

060 hot headed,

061 impaired vision,

062 increase in weight,

063 indigestion,

064 indisposition,

065 inner disturbance,

066 inner disturbance,

067 inner unrest,

068 irregular heartbeats,

069 irritability,

070 irritable,

071 jittery head sensation,

072 knocking in the head,

073 lack of concentration,

074 lack of concentration,

075 lack of inner drive,

076 light headache,

077 memory lapses,

078 migraine-like headache,

079 nausea,

080 nausea,

081 nausea,

082 nearly insufferable pressure on the eyes,

083 nervosity,

084 nervosity,

085 nervous,

086 nervous,

087 noise in the ears,

088 noise in the ears,

089 nosebleed,

090 nosebleed,

091 numbness in the left arm,

092 overweight,

093 pain in the back,

094 paranasal and frontal sinusitis,

095 permanent headache,

096 permanently live,

097 permanently tired,

098 pulsating second heartbeat breastbone in area,

099 pulse beat in the ear,

100 pulse beats up to the neck,

101 quickly exhausted,

102 read head,

103 restlessness,

104 restlessness,

105 rumbling of the heart,

106 sensation of repletion

107 sensation of repletion,

108 shooting pain in the chest,

109 shooting pains in the heart,

110 short of breath,

111 short of breath,

112 sleep, disturbed,

113 sleeplessness,

114 sleeplessness,

115 snoring,

116 sore muscles,

117 stiff,

118 strong headache,

119 strong hyperventilation,

120 strong inner disturbance,

121 strong noises in the ears,

122 strong sweating,

123 sudden hearing problems,

124 tachycardia,

125 tiredness,

126 tiredness,

127 tiredness,

128 tiredness,

129 trembling of the hands,

130 trunk ganglion infarct,

131 unconcentrated,

132 uncontrolled,

133 vomiting,

134 wackiness,

135 weak performance,

136 wrist joint pains.

All these complaints find their explanation in the limited possibilities of the body, to compensate narrowed blood capillaries and vessels and thickened blood by elevating the blood pressure. As soon as this limit has been reached or exceeded, the supply of tissues, organs and cells with oxygen and energy becomes insufficient - and these complaints are the consequences.

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Reported complaints under medication of all participants who were taking hypotensive medication

The following complaints under medication were reported by those participants of the study, who then had taken hypotensive medication (multiply reported complaints are multiply listed):

001 addiction to medication;

002 aggressivity (every little thing bothers me);

003 apathy;

004 attack of weakness;

005 attacks of dizziness;

006 bad concentration on numbers (at work);

007 beating of the heart when making an effort;

008 beating of the heart;

009 blood sugar level elevated;

010 blurry vision;

011 bowel movement impaired;

012 buzzing in the ears during night;

013 dazed;

014 declining of potency;

015 deficiency of fitness;

016 depression;

017 depressions;

018 depressions;

019 depressions;

020 depressions;

021 depressions;

022 diarrhea;

023 disturbance of potency;

024 disturbed sleep;

025 disturbed sleep;

026 dizziness

027 dizziness

028 dizziness

029 dizziness

030 dizziness

031 dizziness

032 eclampsia of pregnancy (hypertensive pregnancy disease, proteinuria, edemas);

033 erectile dysfunction;

034 everything like dull;

035 extreme tiredness;

036 extremely slow pulse, didn’t accelerate under strain;

037 fast beating of the heart;

038 feeling ill;

039 feeling of dizziness;

040 feeling of oppression;

041 feeling of pressure in the head;

042 feeling old;

043 feelings of dizziness;

044 flabby;

045 flabbiness;

046 flatulence;

047 general tiredness;

048 general weakness;

049 headache;

050 headache;

051 headache;

052 headache;

053 headache;

054 headache;

055 headache;

056 heart attack despite (or because of) medication;

057 heart pains;

058 heartburn;

059 hip pains;

060 hungry;

061 ill feeling in the head;

062 ILL;

063 impotency;

064 in the morning waking up bathed in perspiration and with strong beating of the heart;

065 in the night always horrible nightmares;

066 inability of thinking;

067 indisposed;

068 indisposition;

069 inflammation of the bowels;

070 irregular heartbeat;

071 irregular heartbeats;

072 irregular heartbeats;

073 jittery head sensation;

074 lack of concentration;

075 lack of concentration;

076 lack of drive;

077 lack of drive;

078 lethargy;

079 listless of life;

080 listless;

081 listless;

082 listlessness;

083 loss of hair;

084 massive lack of concentration, especially under stress;

085 migraine of the eyes;

086 more flabby, nearly no more able to work;

087 nausea;

088 nausea;

089 nausea;

090 nausea;

091 no clear head;

092 no more drive;

093 noise in the ears;

094 noise in the ears;

095 occasional nosebleed;

096 overweight

097 pain in the back;

098 paining of the limbs;

099 pains in the heart area;

100 panic attacks;

101 permanent flabbiness;

102 permanent snoring with discontinuous breath;

103 permanent sweating;

104 permanent tiredness;

105 permanently cold feet;

106 permanently cold hands;

107 permanently tired;

108 plainly tired, despite 10 hours sleep;

109 pregnancy gestosis;

110 problems of potency;

111 problems of potency;

112 problems of potency;

113 problems to urinate;

114 pulse below 50;

115 reddenings;

116 reduced performance;

117 retarded;

118 sex activities impaired;

119 shooting pains in the heart;

120 short of breath;

121 short of breath;

122 short of breath;

123 skin alterations;

124 skin of the head extremely dandruffy;

125 stomach-ache;

126 strongly reduced performance at work and sports (short of breath);

127 subdued;

128 sudden hypoglycemia, causing unconsciousness;

129 sweating at the least efforts;

130 sweating;

131 swellings of the skin;

132 swollen hands

133 swollen hands;

134 swollen legs;

135 swollen legs;

136 temporary loss of visual acuity;

137 thoughts of suicide;

138 tired, frequently much, mostly couldn’t get sufficient sleep;

139 tiredness, finally aggressive;

140 tiredness;

141 tiredness;

142 tiredness;

143 tiredness;

144 tiredness;

145 tiredness;

146 tiredness;

147 toes up to the forefoot were cold resp. numb;

148 triglycerides increased;

149 inability of erection;

150 unconcentrated;

151 uneven tempered;

152 very low pulse;

153 weak performance in all physical activities;

154 weakness of drive;

155 without drive.

Compared to untreated hypertension, these complaints are increased by about 50 %, because concentrating in reduced 41 participants (from a total of 79), who then took hypotensive medication. This increase finds its explanation in the medication, which imposes an additional limitation on the body to compensate narrowed blood capillaries and vessels and thickened blood by elevating the blood pressure. Before medication, the body at least could compensate this handicap by elevating the blood pressure, as every intelligent engineer would do, to bump the same quantity of a thickened liquid through a narrowed pipe system. The medication - the design of which obviously is less intelligent, because not considering the body having good reasons to elevate the blood pressure - now interferes with the body's efforts to maintain a sufficient supply of tissues, organs and cells with oxygen and energy, which therefore under medication earlier becomes insufficient. That's why the complaints increase under medication.

However, soon the body becomes experienced to deal with this "unintelligent" interference - and elevates the blood pressure despite hypotensive medication. The doctors response: They increase the dosage and the number of varieties of hypotensive medication - after the wrong treatment didn't help, they try if perhaps more of the wrong treatment would help. This increasing oppression of the body's regulation system, and the increasing efforts of the body, despite to maintain a sufficient blood supply, one day ends up in a cardiovascular catastrophe, when the regulation system collapses. This explains, why - despite (or because of) all hypertension medication, which obviously doesn't protect from the hypertension risks - every other citizen of a civilized country (that's 50 % of the population!) die from the "later consequences" of hypertension: Heart attack, stroke, embolism, kidney failure.

It explains also, why it's the only way to cure from hypertension and to protect from its "later consequences", to remove its causes from the usual civilization food, and to replace it by a healthy, natural, man-appropriate "civilized origin nutrition".

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Complaints after change of nutrition and cease of medication

The following complaints were reported by the 58 evaluable participants of the study after change of nutrition and cease of medication (so far they had taken medication before).

In total, only 5 of the 58 participants at all have reported remaining complaints, which are:

001 beating of the heart (improved);
002 diagnosis "irregular heartbeats" (which has disappeared) changed into "short of breath";
003 difficulty in breathing (improved);
004 dizziness (improved);
005 numbness of the toes (improves from day to day);
006 pains in the shoulders (for years treated without success) have 90 % disappeared;
007 snoring, but now only occasionally and without interruptions of breathing;
008 still erectile dysfunction.

Change of nutrition and cease of medication enables the autonomous regulation system of the body to regulate the blood pressure down to normal. Because the natural and man-appropriate nutrition has normalized the blood capillaries and vessels as well as the viscosity of the blood. Therefore, a sufficient  supply of all tissues, organs and cells is already working at a normal blood pressure. This explains too, why after change of nutrition and cease of medication nearly no complaints are reported, and why the remaining few are on the way to heal up.

Compared frequencies of complaints before and under medication, and after change of nutrition and cease of medication

The following comparison results from the lists of complaints, converted into 100 people:

Comparison of frequencies of complaints per 100 people
  Complaints before medication Complaints under medication Complaints under the 
recommended nutrition 
(medication ceased)
per 100
171 complaints 378 complaints 14 complaints

This comparison of frequencies of complaints before medication, under medication, and after change of nutrition and cease of medication makes it strongly obvious, that

  • the prescription of hypotensive medication in cases of hypertension is wrong and dis-improves the situation for the patients;

  • "side effects" not only indicate that drugs develop effects (argument of medical doctrine "no effect without side effect"); rather such an accumulation of "side effects" indicates that these drugs develop the wrong effects;

  • the causal measure of changing nutrition (elimination of the causes of hypertension from the nutrition, introduction of the most important health preconditions into the nutrition) not only are the right, but also the most agreeable way with the lowest rate of complaints. It has the highest efficacy with the least side effects.

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Experiences of the participants of the study exceeding the normalization of their blood pressure after change of nutrition and cease of medication

The 58 participants of the study have reported experiences, observations, increases of their health constitution, and improvements of their quality of life, after having changed their nutrition and ceased medication, which exceed the normalization of their blood pressure:

"Only after I have changed my nutrition according to Dr. Schnitzer, all parameters are in the lower normal range, so that my new doctor is surprised about my health constitution. Sure, it could go yet better, if I would live 100 % according to Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations. Certainly, the changes have been striking to such a degree, that I recommend it to everybody, even to those who don't want to know it. I couldn't feel better, and again I want to say thanks for it. Also, the books make good reading." Mr. A. B. (38), 29.11.2002.

"Loss of weight from 89 to 82 kg (height 191 cm). Fit like a gym shoe. Such a condition I didn't have as a youngster. Since (change) no more any disease. Since a few months, I have taken a job in industry, which still stresses me ... too don't have time every day to prepare my food myself ... in our canteen, to buy healthy components is bound to the meat component. The carrots were taken away from me, because they belong to the weekly menu ..." Mr. T. K. (30), 29.11.2002.

"All around improved well being. I'm glad to have found Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, so I could avoid to be chained for life to medication." Mr. W. Z. (46), 25.01.2003.

"Immediately after cease of hypotensive medication and change of nutrition I was feeling very well. The good condition of my health has lasted, I'm stable, have hardly ever cold, and the wish for sex too has returned." Mr. W. M. (64), 30.11.2002.

"Just have measured my blood pressure, while writing this: 131/80 mm/Hg! I feel very well, enjoy life, can better think, have reduced by 9 kg. I'm very well! My problem is: It changes, as soon as I eat "normal food". This I should never do again! Will I succeed? I think highly of your therapy! Cordial thanks for your advice, dear Dr. Schnitzer!" Mrs. K. K. (48), 30.11.2002.

"Swellings in legs and hands and the headache disappeared immediately. Rashes on the legs were off after about 1 year. The headache started again after 1 year, but since avoiding black tea, has nearly disappeared. To sum up it can be said, that I feel the effect of the fresh food immediately. If eating for some days muesli, salads and fruits, I feel easy and relaxed. After meat and boiled food, I feel dull and depressed. Thereafter, mostly the headache appears. Bothering are the relations to people near to me. Most people make jokes of such a nutrition, they don't tolerate it or even thwart it." Mr. G. B. (52), 02.12.2002.

"My headaches have disappeared, I'm no more at all tired, mentally fully fit and vital. My life has changed to the positive." Mr. H. K. (42), 13.02.2003.

"Weight reduced by 7 kg in 6 weeks, no headache, no backache, thin hands, no more problems when urinating, more performance of the complete body, no more dizziness. Each day I get returned a small piece of my health. I will recommend on this nutrition, and will always apply it." Mrs. G. B. (39), 14.03.2003.

"I feel vital, enjoying life, no more depressions, hands and feet are slim again, no more shooting pains in the heart, 6 kilo loss of weight. I hadn't believed it, but I had no more anything to lose. After I suffered years or even decades from hypertension, for which I got prescribed Atacand plus, Aspirin cardio and because of cholesterol Selipran, today I'm free of complaints! Thanks, thanks, thanks! Before Christmas (just 3 months ago), I was sitting around with lethargy and depressions, in the nights I was weeping instead of sleeping. I didn't know myself anymore, I had no more inclination to live. Nevertheless, before I was a woman full of the joy of living (56 years, after Polio in wheelchair). After my husband couldn't anymore tolerate how I was changing (thanks to the medication of our family doctor!), he took me as an emergency case to Dr. G. W. in Z. This one drew my attention to your booklet "Hypertension Causes & Cure". After reading, I was convinced: This is the way I want to go. I had, as I said, nothing anymore to lose. And what do you know: After keeping strictly to the diet, already one week after startup I could leave off every medication! Now I stick for 3 months to your diet and have no more any difficulties. All blood parameters are normal! Still nearly I can't believe it. Again I feel vital and healthy, and as a beautiful side effect I have lost 6 kg. One risk factor remains: The lack of physical activity. But I think, that with this healthy nutrition I can continue to lead a good, satisfying life and again dedicate my life to my artistic activities. I'm infinitely grateful and recommend this diet to all who want to know it. Often I'm asked, because one can see the difference." Mrs. L. W. (56), 24.03.2003.

"My doctor was surprised, that somebody at all musters up to go this way, but in principle he supported me, and even attested me in writing my recovery. Loss of weight at present 12 kg in 3 months. Blood pressure normal. Regular digestion, better hair growth, no more noise in the ears, no more dizziness, no more headache, colds disappear faster and are no more so bad, less sweat with nearly no odor, status of the teeth improving and less film on the teeth, smoother skin, performance in sports increasing. I feel like a new person, because all and every complaints have ceased completely, so that I can't anymore observe (feel) anything obtrusive. I only can recommend to everybody to live in this way, because the quality of life improves in every respect. At first felt restrictions in nutrition disappear after some weeks, and the aversion for the former type of nutrition increases. All theses which Dr. Schnitzer has set up I could observe in myself." Mr. M. F. (36), 24.03.2003.

"All complaints have disappeared in the shortest time. I feel again physically fit and sleep restful. Without hunger, I have lost 14 kg of weight, at a height of 173 cm and a starting weight of 84 kg. In any case I will continue, because the smallest bloomer (mistake) in the diet isn't good for my health, although intentionally I cause and too somehow sometimes need those bloomers." Mr. M. P. (31). 24.03.2003.

"Lost twenty pounds, have better digestion, no bloating, constipation cured, blood pressure greatly improved without medication. I haven't started the blood letting yet to avoid the expense of visiting a doctor. I'll start when I am able to do it myself or have someone do it for me for low fee." Mr. A. H. (65), 04.11.2001.

"I lost 5-7 pounds of flab, firmed up, and I have more energy. Also I feel better about myself and am much more aware of what I need to eat to remain healthy. I plan to keep watching what I eat throughout the rest of my life using your suggestions, exercising, keeping my weight under control, meditating and relaxing taking deep breathes, and getting enough sleep. As I age I hope to keep my blood pressure under control to avoid the high risk of cardiovascular disease experienced by 50 % of our society. Thank you for your continued research in this area." Ms. D. R. (52), 07.11.2001.

"I have no more palpitations or irregular heart beats. I feel happier than I have done for a long time. I have more energy. I did not have to change my diet a lot as I have not eaten any fish, meat, eggs or poultry for over 30 years. We always had a bowl of salads in the evening and fruit in the morning. I only ate German rye bread, but now I bake my own bread with organic wheatflour milled at home just before baking. And I have sprouted organic grains and pulses. I don't drink or smoke, but I miss my home made chocolates." Mrs. J. U. (73), 07.11.2001.

"Feeling of over all health, stopped night sweats, no longer show signs of sleep apnea :) no more machine! Weight loss is slow, but not looking for loss, just tone, no more headaches. You have changed my life. I have lived with this disease for over 12 years and feel the weight of the meds off my shoulders. I have shared my experiences with many friends who have diabetes, hypertension and general obesity. You are a life saver, thanks." Mr. P. C. S. (33), 05.11.2001.

"Less prone to sore muscles, increase of power, before in the morning daily 4 press-ups and abruptly the power was off, now each morning 10 press-ups with slow decrease of power from 8-9 on. From the 11th week on again full erection without time limit until ejaculation; this returned all of a sudden. Then the head is okay too. Weight loss about 9 kg, therefore also less cortisone, 7.5 mg every other day. After we were on a long journey, the circle of friends were somewhat astounded about my slimness. No more to take hypertension medication, is treated with skepticism. Last week, I had appointment for checkup of cardiac pacemaker and prostate prevention. The cardiologists were impressed by the results, but only bla, bla, bla, when I gave them my book "Die kausale Therapie der essentiellen Hypertonie" ("the causal therapy of the essential hypertension", the German therapy instruction for physicians); sad. The urologist said I'm in good shape, she too could lose 6 kg by reducing carbohydrates. That was the best I could do. So, I'm at least happy for myself. The only disturbing for the moment is my oversized skin, which is flapping, but my doctress said this would become better by the time. I'm born in 1934. bloodlettings I would like to do because of the diastolic pressure, but from the middle of May to the middle of September we live rather self-sufficiently on our sailing boat in Scandinavia. But after that, it will start. The Social Insurance doesn't pay it. I don't know yet, family doctor or nonmedical practioneer." Mr. P. Q. (68), 30.04.2003.

"I lost superfluous pounds, and after some weeks I felt more active, could better breathe, and felt healthier as a whole. I can only recommend to every hypertonic patient to inquire precisely about the disease and alternative possibilities of treatment." Mr. H. E. (51), 13.05.2003.

"In reality, you can't compare before and after a heart attack!!!!!! The more important is to know the difference between medication and the 'Schnitzer-diet'. Without my heart attack, I wouldn't be really healthy!!!!! Except occasional nausea when changing position, I'm top fit. The beginning, to change feeding habits without a personal reason (like a heart attack), is difficult. But it can protect you precisely from this personal reason. Unfortunately, only after my heart attack I started to intensively take care of my health! Not to forget, I want to draw attention to the course of diabetes. I inject now 3 x per week and only because I deviate from the guideline. Another important cognition for diabetics - I call it 'the diabetic loop'!! To sin against the guidelines means to inject more, to inject more means more hunger, more hunger means to sin more against the guidelines. Not to speak about the hypoglycemias, which you wouldn't get without injections! These correlations can be reproduced by everybody at any time. And for me it's a crime against mankind, that the natural means aren't published!" Mr. H. W. (56), 17.05.2003.

"Within 3 weeks, I reduced weight by 12 kg and was feeling better already after the first week. On my next visit to the family doctor, the result already could be seen. The cholesterol was nearly within the normal range. Thanks to Dr. Schnitzer, I'm feeling very well and again do sports, which I couldn't with the betablockers. I'm forever greatly obliged to him and try to give on his theories in my circle of acquaintances. The most important was, no more to be tired and again to enjoy life. Too, I could start to do sports, it was like starting a new life. I could feel again my body, especially in the morning, and I take life more relaxed. The most important was, that the second (diastolic) value dropped below 100. Now it's frequently below 80, what I never have thought to be possible. But as soon as I 'sin', when once invited to eat normal food, I don't feel well. In addition, it's no more tasty for me (meat etc.)." Mr. H. R. (62), 19.05.2003. Message 1 year later, in an e-mail: "Dear Dr. Schnitzer, 4 years ago I discovered your website on the Internet, and started to change my nutrition. After 3 months and 10 kg loss of weight, my blood pressure nearly had normalized. Now I'm always better, and I will be grateful to you forever. Now being 63 years, I'm showing it to many young people in inline skating, and my life is like a changed man. Too my brother in law, who had extremely high blood sugar values, now explains to me, that a single slice of white bread drives his blood sugar up. I had given him my old cereal mill as a present, and now he is fascinated about his self-baked (whole grain) bread. I can only repeat to say thanks. Might there be more doctors like you. Sincerely H. R." (now 63), 25.05.2004.

"My tiredness had disappeared. By this method, I found my way back to a life full of energy, and my general health condition has improved a lot." Mr. I. F. (39), 21.05.2003.

"I feel very well, have no more the dizziness feelings mentioned above, also no more 'indisposition'. My stomach is excellent since change, no more heartburn. I feel 'super', also since had no more a real cold (only preliminary stages like a tickle in my nose, but for only one day), while the rest of my family, who don't want to cut out meat and sweets, in the meantime had some serious colds. I'm "hobby-cyclist". There too it's my impression, that 1. my performance improves, 2. my regeneration stages have become significantly shorter." Mr. R. D. (35), 09.07.2003.

"My performance has improved (ergometer performance limit 250 W.). I reduced by 5 kg to 72 kg. I have, what's normal for me, once per day bowel movement. Before I had only every 3-5 days very hard bowel movements. Now I feel very well and have normal performance."  Mr. J. M. (63), 28.04.2004.

"Meanwhile my health condition is at its best, and I thank you sincerely for the information. When I'm not consequent with my nutrition, I feel my body reacting straightaway negatively. My life has much calmed down, I go more inside myself, and daily I'm improving. Not that I was in bad condition before, but my life was more hectic and stressy ..." Mrs. C. G. (68), 22.04.2004.

"Physically more fit, less prone to diseases, thinking more positive. In the beginning relatively successful, too by loss of weight from 70 to 67 kg at 173 height. Now I rather identify stress as my biggest enemy! I will now again be more consequent for some time because 145/95 mm/Hg are too high!"  Mr. J. H. (45), 22.04.2004.

"Very good general health condition. Not any diseases like influenza or cold. Very good performance and well-balanced."  Mr. S. H. (36), 03.05.2004.

"Less beating of the heart, less difficulty of breathing, less dizziness. Schnitzer-Nutrition for me has resulted in positive changes in my life."  Mr. W. E. (36), 04.05.2004.

"After I had started with the Dr. Schnitzer diet, my weight of 113 kg has continuously decreased. Together with the weight loss, the blood pressure has declined. At the same time, twice per week if possible I was in the fitness studio, one hour cardio training and muscle building training. During the weight loss, step by step I have reduced the medication, what as a counter-reaction shortly made the blood pressure elevate. After that it continued to go down. The most difficult were the 'hits below the belt', when the blood pressure after reducing medication first elevated again, or when the weight for partially up to 2 weeks didn't continue to drop. In such situations, one can be led into temptation to fall back into the same old rut. But if having a little patience (I know that this is very difficult!!), the weight and the blood pressure continue to go down. After about 10 weeks, I have arrived at 93-95 kg, the medication I have ceased completely after 6 weeks. The performance in sports is essentially better than with my weight off 113 kg, which I was carrying around with me before. The side effects, which were caused by the medication, as well have disappeared. Blood pressure with medication 160/108 mm/Hg, blood pressure without medication after 3 1/2 months 135/80 mm/Hg, and the diagnosis of the physician that there's NO more hypertension." Mr. T. G. (37), 14.05.2004.

"After cease of medication, for about 3 to 4 weeks I had something like withdrawal symptoms, as inner unrest and trembling. After that improvement of the general health condition up to a never known before well-being. My performance increased significantly. I feel super! In no case I want to return to medication and to the old wrong feeding habits." Mrs. P. S. (46), 23.05.2004.

"No more big variations of blood sugar, means attacks of bulimia, no more indigestion, no more noises in the ears, no more inner unrest and nervosity, better quality of sleep, no more states of exhaustion with chronic tiredness. Too years ago I was rather shocked, when my family doctress lapidarily informed me this hypertension (she called it 'hyperkinetic heart syndrome') to be conditioned by stress, and I should now take hypotonic medication. I told her, that strictly speaking I'm much too young to swallow hypotonic pills, if there's no other possibility of a treatment. My boss and co-treating doctor (nephrologist) said, I shall do endurance sports and eat low in salt, then the symptoms could heal. This didn't work." Ms. S. M. (37), 24.05.2004.

"In support, I do regularly sports! Measuring daily my blood pressure without problem. My general well-being has returned, Have reduced 20 kg during the first half year and meanwhile keep this for another half year. I'm very glad to have found Dr. Schnitzer!" Mr. R. W. (37), 31.05.2004.

"Weight reduced by about 10 kg in one month. More energy and performance. Besides the improved health a higher sense of self-worth because of a 'new' figure, smarter clothing, recognition of my endurance by the colleagues, better skin, less colds. However corresponding costs by the 'bio'-foodstuff." Mrs. I. O. (45), 10.07.2004.

"My weight had decreased from 84 to 72 kg. I had and have more power and energy. 2 nutcrackers I had broken with one hand, and the third one I have twisted, until I had remarket that I have so much power from the good diet. The skin has become very sleek, small wounds heal very fast. One evening, I had cut my finger (not very deep). The next morning it had cured, even I couldn't see where the wound had been, not even with a lens. One day I saw in the mirror my hair sheening like the lametta of a Christmas angel. Immediately I changed the bulb of the ceiling light, because thinking something to be wrong there. Afterwards I realized, that it's my hair which has improved so much. Repeatedly I have to buy new bicycle inner tubes (on some days I drive 70 km with the bicycle). Too I wear through the soles of my shoes. My memory has improved, unfortunately it doesn't help too much for my (German) orthography, after 35 years in Australia. The feeling of balance of mind and harmony is wonderful."  Mr. H. S. (64), 15.07.2004.

"Well, I feel okay with hypertension too, certainly because of my age (36). However, often had nosebleed, as another type of bloodletting. Because of the changed nutrition, I reduced weight, and I'm no more puffed."  Mr. M. B. (36), 01.08.2004.

"In addition to the reduced blood pressure, I could sleep through 7-8 hours, my digestion is regular and without problems or pains, my heavy loss of hair reduced drastically, my energy of life has returned, my superfluous ponds have disappeared, and my complexion again looks healthy. All around I feel better and healthier, and too I can better manage my psychic problems which appeared by the death of my husband" Mrs. G. S. (49), 20.08.2004.

"Now I feel fitter and fitter, my blood pressure lowered, actually it has gone down to 125/85 mm/Hg without variations."  Mrs. M. E. (60), 26.08.2004.

"Better sensation for overstrain/stress; no depressions; loss of weight 9 kilo. To change my nutrition in the long run, unfortunately I didn't succeed, but with a partial application of Dr. Schnitzer's dietetics plus daily sports I can keep my blood pressure at good figures. Never I would have imagined, ever again to have a normal blood pressure without pills! Thanks!" Mrs. S. B. (32), 20.09.2004.

"As of now, I had no more any single attack of migraine, no more headache, my blood pressure lowered steadily, and above all my blood sugar level fell into its normal swing. That my overweight too disappeared slowly but steadily, nearly is self-evident, and also, that I no more need laxative pills or so :-). Each day again I'm grateful for my health, which I could reach thanks to Dr. Schnitzer. At that time, it was a matter of course, to be welcomed by my name in the pharmacy, and at any appointment with the doctor straightaway to book the next. Today, I'm welcomed by my name in the natural health food store, and I must strain my memory, to remember when I had to see my naturopath last. My complete view of life has changed much to the positive, and today hardly I can understand, how I could land - not self-determined, and as if this would be normal - in the mills of the pharmaceutical and sugar industries. It's really worthwhile to activate one's common sense, and to handle one's body consciously. I hope many, many people can benefit from Dr. Schnitzer's great findings, and I wish him for his further work great success! Sincere thanks. P.S. Shortly ago I read the sentence: 'The body is the translator of the soul into the visible.' How true ..." Mrs. E. W. (52), 28.09.2004.

"The change of my nutrition was a great success. Too, my diabetes today scarcely anymore needs treatment. I feel more well and more liberated."  Mr. W. B. (63), 23.10.2004.

"Potency raised. By 4 times a week aqua fitness and 2 times tennis 2 kg less and strong muscle-forming, I feel fit." Mr. D. P. (66), 23.10.2004.

"Essentially more well-balanced. No more sweats, even in the daytime I can wear pullovers. No more so much agitated, much more calm. No more complaints (really great!). I feel essentially better!!" Mr. T. K. (44), 23.10.2004.

"In all, I feel better. A complete change of my feeding habits will not happen. But I eat essentially more raw vegetables than before. The recipes I find good. Still I'm searching in East Berlin for a doctor who's trained as a healer." Mrs. H. R. (70), 23.10.2004. (Still sometimes takes homeopathic medication).

"I feel really much better thanks to your diet." Mr. W. K. (42), 25.10.2004.

"Good well-being, more well-balanced, more calm, more fit. I have heard about, that it's possible, practically without problems to get a normal blood pressure. Unfortunately, because of my profession, it's not always possible for me to keep it. For 3 years, I tried everything, but nothing worked. When I keep completely the recommendations of Dr. Schnitzer, a blood pressure of 120/80 mm/Hg can be reached without problems. If it elevates above 130/85 mm/Hg, I have to pitch in again." Mr. A. F. (48), 26.10.2004.

"In addition, I reduced weight by 12 kg, and I go jogging 5-6 times per week for minimum 30 minutes. This, together with the change of nutrition, has normalized my blood pressure!! I'm glad, that I have taken over responsibility for my blood pressure, and that I don't brainlessly tuck in poisonous pills, which only make ill. I'm convinced, that nutrition/weight and sports free from hypertension and for this no medication is needed!!" Mrs. K. Z. (40), 28.10.2004.

"Physical well-being, no sleep troubles, no indigestion, no addiction to medication, improved physical fitness." Mr. H. L. (64), 04.11.2004.

"The dizziness disappeared, my skin improved, the blood pressure lowered. I'm very grateful to Dr. Schnitzer, that I got my blood pressure under control. My life again gives me great fun and pleasure." Mrs. K. F. (34), 09.11.2004.

"No more hypertension, and my intestine is healthy. I feel very well." Mr. B. D. (56), 10.11.2004.

"After having a long-term measuring at my family doctor (cardiologist!!!), I had super values: 132/78 (I'm 68 years old). My family doctor assumed, that I continue to take all those many pills. He looked into his computer data, if really for the last 5 months I hadn't taken any pills. He just didn't believe me. Immediately after he had told me the long-term result, I asked him, if I should continue to take these many pills for my hypertension; he responded: 'In any case you must take them daily.' Then I told him, that for 5 months I don't take any hypertension pills at all. After that, he was more than surprised, and didn't ask at all, what I have personally done, so that my blood pressure has changed so positively. As a cardiologist, in any case he should have asked this question. 'I see, so continue like that', were his words." Mr. P. Q. (68), 16.11.2004.

"I have become more calm. My sleep too is more calm and regular, that means, nearly every night I sleep 7 1/2 to 8 hours. I live very well-balanced and calm. Although in retirement age, I work each day as a free-lancer without a special strain for my body. My teeth are still 100 % complete. Still I had never a tooth extraction."  Mr. G. C. (65), 18.11.2004.

"No more so tired, or expressed by other words: In the morning when getting up I could dance, and in the afternoon after work I feel up to anything. For 8 weeks now I don't anymore drink milk. Since, I feel much better. Cheese I still eat, but moderately. In the morning, always I had a dry throat, this problem since has disappeared." Mr. R. W. (38), 14.12.2004.

"I have become more fit and more calm. My total cholesterol level is without medication below 200, and meanwhile the other values too are absolutely normal. My personal experience is absolutely positive. My health is much better. But it's shocking to see, how most of the doctors treat their patients and prescribe medication to them, which is expensive and nonsensical." Mr. D. R. (61), 16.12.2004.

"In the beginning I had to urinate a lot, then the digestion improved. Better general condition. 90 % of shoulder pains (for years treated without success) have disappeared. I had directed my attention mainly to animal protein, but I had to recognize, that industrial sugar and white flour have a big negative influence." Mrs. A. K. (65), 03.01.2005.

"I can again bend down and reach my toes with stretched feet. No more so tired, and I don't need anymore siesta. Reduced my weight, from 124 kg on January 1rst, 2005, to 109 kg on February 14, 2005, without hunger, and for the first time in years, when eating, I become really satisfied. As a matter of fact, it was very easy, the change with a right nutrition, and that I don't need anymore hypertension medication." Mr. R. M. (43), 14.02.2005.

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Doctors (Physicians, MDs, medical doctors)

The hypertonic patient (representative of about 30 million fellow sufferers in the German linguistic area alone), as a rule gets informed by his physician, that hypertension is incurable, its are causes unknown, and that there's no alternative to the intake of hypotensive medication for life, to protect from the heavy consequences and their risks for one's bare life. Therefore he, the patient, should adjust his life to live with the disease for good and all.

If the patient resigns himself to this advice - after all the physician has studied medicine and has received postgraduate medical education, therefore he should know it - he, the patient, soon will remark a considerable and increasing decline of his quality of life, his fitness and his state of health, and that he's suffering from the side effects of the medication. If he asks his doctor, this one will say: "With this you have to put up; no effect without side effect."

But if the patient doesn't accept this fate, he will start himself to search, if better methods could be available - especially those, who could cure the disease, and therefore free the patient from depending on a permanent medication intake and from its permanent side effects.

If then the patient discovers such alternatives, he will want to discuss the matter with his doctor. But by this, he brings his doctor in an unpleasant situation. Because, strictly speaking, it would have been the task of the doctor, to search for better methods and especially for a cure instead of only endless symptomatic treatments. In truth, the physician should have known it, if there exist other, more effective and above all curing methods.

That in fact such methods exist, isn't only proven by this study. Already in 1987, on the Medical Week of Baden-Baden, this method was introduced to the auditory of about 250 physicians, with cured patients, who could be interviewed by the doctors about their experiences. At the same time, the method was published in two books - one for the patients, one for the physicians. During the same year, the congress report of the Medical Week was published in the German medical journal "Erfahrungsheilkunde" (Edition Haug, Heidelberg).

This method too corresponds precisely with the recommendations of the Greek physician Hippocrate (460-375 B. C.), to whom each physician likes to refer, to underline his (the doctor's) high ethical standards. Therein is written: "I will follow the system of regimen which according to my ability and judgment I consider for the benefit of my patients and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous."

Hippocrate's recommendation: "Let your food be your medication!"

How does the doctor deal with this unpleasant, awkward situation? Will he be delighted and interested to learn more about the method he didn't know before, and say: "That's interesting - let's try it!"? Or, a bit weaker: "You can try it once, if you like - we will see what comes out." Does he perhaps add "But the pills you must continue to take in any case!"? Or does he try to hide his ignorance behind a brisk authoritarian behavior and say: "Hypertension is incurable, an alternative to a medication for life with hypotensive drugs doesn't exist!"?

In our study we have asked the participants, if their doctor has supported them (1) fully, (2) not very much, or (3) not at all, and which comments their doctor has given to them. Partially, after their doctor had taken up a negative attitude, the participants changed their doctor. These questions also have been asked referring to the second doctor.

How were the participants of the study supported by their physicians?

70 of the 79 participants of the study have asked their physician for support. The results were:

  • 17 % of the physicians supported the participants fully in curing their hypertension;
  • 33 % of the physicians didn't support very much the participants in curing their hypertension;
  • 50 % of the physicians didn't support at all the participants in curing their hypertension.

How did the physicians of the participants comment this therapy?

To this question, the participants partially reported the comments of their physicians word by word; partially they described the attitude of their physicians towards this therapy.

Positive comments/attitudes of physicians to this therapy 

"Only after I have changed my nutrition according to Dr. Schnitzer, all parameters are in the lower normal range, so that my new doctor is surprised about my health condition. The new doctor has taken over the consultation of my old doctor! This doctor has said, that this type of therapy surely is a good way."
"I searched another doctor. This one said: "These remedies produce more damage than benefit."
"Because my husband couldn't longer tolerate how I was changing (thanks to the medication of our family doctor), he took me as an emergency case to Dr. G. W. in Z. This one drew my attention to your book "Hypertension, Causes & Cure". He has recommended me the diet. After 2.5 months he was highly delighted about the result. All blood values were okay."
"My doctor was surprised, that somebody at all musters up to go this way, but in principle he supported me, and even attested me in writing my recovery."
"The blood pressure, which in the beginning of this year under medication (1 pill Beloc Zok Comp + 1 pill Approviel in the morning, 1 pill Beloc Zok in the evening) was elevated (150/110 mm/Hg, pulse 59), now by your recommendations is 135/80 (diagnosed during a 24 hours blood pressure test), without medication. The physician, a cardiologist, has diagnosed "No hypertension", with optimal blood values. The exercise and resting ECGs (Elektro-Cardio-Graphy) also are satisfying."
"The bloodletting therapy but now is a way, away from the classical medicine."
"I shall go right ahead to practise a couple of weeks the raw diet, and then we measure again the blood pressure."
"One should try it."
"In the beginning, I didn't tell my doctor about the change of nutrition, because he had already given me a 'do and don't' list to follow up. Schnitzer-Nutrition is different from this list, therefore I didn't want to produce difficulties with him. The heart doctor visit was good. The visit caught the doctor off guard, asking what I had done to make such a dramatic change in my weight and my heart (blood pressure). I told him about using S-N and he said this was the same foods 'they' eat in his country (India). He was surprised at the change and had then to change my diagnosis to shortness of breath instead of rhythm variation.
"Try it!".
"During a routine medical checkup it came out, that I have an elevated blood pressure. My homeopathic doctor supports me and is optimistic to cure the diabetes and the hypertension."
"I searched another doctor, who expressed himself as follows: "It's out of question, that there's no more hypertension."
"He finds my success remarkable."
"In addition, I get homeopathic treatment."
"Doctor is convinced of the wholistic nutrition."
"My doctor accompanied me, including the bloodlettings, because I have declared to him expressively, that this is my firm intention. (Otherwise I would have gone to another doctor)."
"After change of doctor: She will order your therapy book, does bloodletting too, is homeopathic doctor, was selected after having read your book."
"After change of my family doctor, who only wanted to prescribe pills, I changed to Mrs. Dr. R., who gave me your book about Hypertension to read. I don't take pills. My personal experience is absolutely positive. My health is much better. But it's shocking to see, how most of the doctors treat their patients and prescribe medication to them, which is expensive and nonsensical."

Not very helpful comments/attitudes of physicians to this therapy 

"My previous doctor:  I would be free to try the Schnitzer Therapy, but in essence, the medication would be continued. I searched another doctor.
"That's quite possible, that by change of nutrition and loss of weight the blood pressure falls."
"'A good matter, if you succeed to go through for ever.' (The blood values improved fast). I searched another doctor."
"Continue with the medication and live with the healthy diet."
"It seems to work, no objections."
"So far, my doctor only demanded to make 'changes in my lifestyle', he has not prescribed medication. He didn't give me any remedies, but only said to get more exercises and sleep, and to come back after 3 months. He stated, until then my blood pressure should have fallen. He said no word about my change of Nutrition."
"Because my doctor and me are friends since our youth, I have a direct line to her. I lent to her the booklet "Die kausale Therapie der essentiellen Hypertonie" and shortly discussed the topic with her. Basically open, she's overstrained by her practice. I offered to her to regard my wife and myself as her guinea pigs. Basically her opinion is, more fruits and vegetables, less meat, but just no well-founded knowledge in this direction, but open. 2 weeks after change of nutrition, under medication I was at 115/80 mm/Hg, and she meant, herself impressed, we should once leave off one pill. - When we came back last week, she (our family doctor) was shortly here and gave the booklet back to me, saying that she had not yet had the time, but I shall order one for her own for her holidays, what I will do - at least that's already something!!! She was perplexed, with 184 cm height I have yet 74 kg, means 9 kg less, and all hypotensive medication thrown away, with a blood pressure average of 134/88 mm.Hg, measured 3 times per day. No more to take hypertension medication, is treated with skepticism. Last week, I had pacemaker and prostate checkup. The cardiologists were impressed about the results, but only 'bla, bla, bla', when I gave them my booklet "Die kausale Therapie der essentiellen Hypertonie"; how sad! The urologist said I'm in good shape, and she too has reached now 6 kg by reducing carbohydrates. That was all. So I'm glad for myself."
"Twice per year I go to a cardiologist, a friend of mine, to check my heart attack. He sees my development with interest, but considers it as an isolated phenomenon, so long as there's no scientific study. With the beta blocker, my fitness reduced to 20-30 minutes. Already one year later, after an attack of weakness, I ceased the beta blocker, advised by a specialist of internal medicine in Mallorca."
"Blood pressure measured at home, because of sudden hearing problems. 'Sudden loss of hearing' excluded by the family doctor, 'because only one ear affected' (!). Family doctor confirms my measuring. I didn't say anything to my doctor, until I gave him the medication back after about 3 weeks. (I had myself slowly reduced the dosage, by cutting the pills into half and into quarters). My doctor said, he prescribes medication, because most patients demand it; if I can get along without, the better. At 170/110 mm/Hg, from his side it would be irresponsible, not to prescribe anything."
"My physician was swearing on endurance training, to reach by strengthening the heart muscle a lower pulse frequency and by this a stabilization of the blood pressure. I have tried this for weeks, but after 2 km of jogging I had circulation problems in the legs and regularly had to stop running, when I didn't feel anymore my legs. This frustrated me, because 5 years ago I was jogging regularly 5 km and had no problems with it."
"Hint of my family doctor, whom I visit regularly for prevention, that my blood pressure is too high, and something should be done, because in the long run damages could develop. I lent to him the book "Die kausale Therapie der essentiellen Hypertonie", to read it. If he did read it, I don't know; in any case, he meant with some skepticism in his voice, that I could try it once, and that he has no health objections."
"Really, my doctor didn't comment it. I decided myself to this therapy, and asked my doctor, to measure the hematocrit before starting, and about 4 weeks after. Because this one had fallen, I knew to have success. Also the blood pressure values fell constantly. After 3 weeks I decided myself, no more to take the Renitec. Despite, because of the change of nutrition, my blood pressure continued falling down to about 125/70 mm/Hg. The second remedy I reduced only slowly, because the doctor was warning me, it could be dangerous to stop it, because the tachycardia could appear again. Some time later, I visited the biomedicus Dr. A. in F., who, after my reports, became seriously interested in the 'Schnitzer-therapy', and to whom later I left over the book for the therapists.
"When the fluctuating blood pressure was diagnosed after my husband had died from a sudden heart attack, a psychological cause was supposed. But I know from former measurements, which were before the death of my husband, that then too I had an elevated blood pressure. The essential improvement now also is told by my doctor to be a psychological effect. However, I'm completely sure, that it is linked with my new nutrition. The blood pressure sunk already after a few days, what in the beginning I didn't want to believe myself. I will convince him yet too of this therapy.
"Together with my doctor I had tried to cease the medication. (He meant me to be yet too young for it). Unfortunately, this failed completely. I ceased medication within two weeks, and after that had an extreme high blood pressure!!! The second trial then I have made without doctor, by changing nutrition and sports. In addition, I have reduced the pills very slowly, and the dosage only again reduced, after the blood pressure had fallen again ... This has worked out well!"
"Recommendation of my doctor: Salt-free eating."
"The hypertension was diagnosed by a doctor at a health resort, when I was checked at the beginning of a cure there, which was approved by my insurance. - My doctor didn't find this (nutrition therapy) bad, but recommended to continue taking the medication."
"I searched another doctor: His opinion is too, that I don't need medication. The method itself however he didn't know."
"'Eat green salads, fresh fruits and chicken', which I followed up the last 2 years." 
"Last year, my new family doctor diagnosed the values mentioned above, and informed me, that there are good hypotensive remedies. Up to now, I didn't take medication. I didn't continue visiting a doctor."
"He would not have initiated the diet but is open and supports my efforts."
"I didn't remark anything, only during a checkup at my family doctor because of dizziness and numb hands he stated an elevated blood pressure. - He doesn't know about my change of nutrition and cease of medication."

Negative, declining comments/attitudes of physicians to this therapy

"There's no alternative to beta receptor blockers. You are still very young for a medication, but it must be. Perhaps, after five years, we can stop taking it."
"3 years ago, my doctor stated this hypertension during a general checkup. (This was followed by the prescription of 5 different hypertension remedies). I was feeling increasingly bad, the blood pressure didn't change, far from it: I had irregular beating of the heart, pains in the heart. No drive, feeling very old, everything was like damped - in my profession, my concentration on numbers etc. was bad. My family doctor didn't take notice of it, he just only carried out his usual checkups, ignoring my heart pains too. Finally after 2 years, he stopped Lisinopril and gave me Biso Lich - after that the stumbling of the heart disappeared. I have no more confidence, the doctor didn't say sorry to me, because thinking in any case I wouldn't take these pills. But regularly I have got his prescriptions. This sensitized me for another therapy. The doctor's comment: It's dangerous what I do, I destroy my arteries. The pills protect me from heart attack resp. stroke. Literally: 'Do you want to live long with pills, or short without?' I searched another doctor."
"If I don't take medication, I can't be helped anymore. I searched another doctor. This one expressed himself as follows: That I have changed the nutrition isn't bad, but better I should take a remedy against my high blood pressure."
"Hypertension can't be cured. If you want to try it, it's your matter."
"My family doctor drew my attention to the high blood pressure and the high cholesterol. He expressed himself as follows: 'With the nutrition you can't reach anything at all. This you can forget about.'"
"Last year, these complaints appeared suddenly and within two weeks increased so much, that I visited the doctor. The blood pressure was 180/120 mm/Hg and was lowered immediately with pills to 150/100 mm/Hg. About the change of nutrition: I didn't inform my cardiologist before."
"My doctor had not the faintest idea. I told him about this program, and he only shrug his shoulders. I don't think that physicians at all know anything about nutrition."
"No change (of the high blood pressure), but my doctor wanted to increase the medication to 50 mg daily. I objected and went to see a homeopathic doctor in London who prescribed Sepia 30, 3 months ago. (To my change of nutrition): A big laugh. Though she was impressed with the Sepia and wrote it down, but she took no notice when I told her that it was the diet that kept my B/P down. I will bring her your book on hypertension, perhaps she will take a closer look."
"I got the book after being fed up with doctor after doctor prescribing me one pill after another, and none of them working. I have not had significant weight loss, maybe 20-30 lbs (10-15 kg), and the doctor seems to think that this is the reason for the normalization of my pressure. I was under the care of a cardiologist when I began the lifestyle change, I never told him that I had stopped taking my meds and finally changed doctors after he could no longer assist me. My current doctor does not believe me when I tell him how in 9 months I corrected it, he is looking at my files with disbelief."
"My doctor's opinion is that only by medication I could get the knack of my hypertension. Unfortunately I'm compelled to change the doctor."
"He declines every responsibility! And for me, it's a crime against humanity, not to publish the natural means!" 
"My last treatment in the clinical center Marburg, the statement of the doctor: 'If we don't get down the blood pressure with this remedy, we just have to add a second one.' On question of my family doctor 'How did you succeed to normalize your blood pressure and to reduce by 12 kg?', I only answered: 'Look just once on the Internet under 'Dr. Schnitzer'."
"No consultation with the doctor! The medication, proposed on request, was only the common symptomatic therapy; I renounced.""
"She had objections to fully raw nutrition."
"You must do something, there are good remedies nearly without side effects ..."
"I would shorten my life if not taking medication after my heart attack. Therefore he declines every responsibility."
"'Impossible.' The doctor wanted to prescribe hypotensive medication because of my diabetes, I refused, and luckily I discovered your books. The second doctor: He doesn't believe in it, improvements would be very rare, rather incidentally."
"The cure of hypertension isn't possible. Permanent medication is necessary. Alternatives aren't existing."
"I didn't even dare the attempt to ask for support."
"I have managed everything without my physician. In the beginning, I should have taken a remedy to avoid hypoglycemia. I just didn't take it. After I said this to my doctor, he was very angry. I told him, that it's not his work, that I feel well now. That I have managed this completely alone. He meant, that I would be a presentable diabetic, therefore I now get permanently invitations to seminars of healers. I too participated in this instruction of the social insurance because of diabetes. This was terrible. I felt being in a kindergarten, simply I didn't get right. 2 x I participated, then I was fed up. I said, that meanwhile I'm trained so well, because I have tested everything in myself, nearly each foodstuff. But only organic ones, and appropriately I know when the (blood) sugar goes up and when down. Only what bugs me in my doctor is, that he presses me for prevention to do a proctoscopy for early recognition of intestinal cancer. I objected and told him, that too my intestine could be penetrated, and for this nobody takes over any responsibility. I believe, if there's blood in the bowels, it's dangerous, but not if things are normal."
"In the year 2001, a classic physician diagnosed diabetes and recommended me first to take strong tablets, later injections. This rattled me up, and I searched for alternatives. In the year 2003 I discovered your great findings about nutrition, and followed it from today onwards. I searched for advice from different physicians and healers. At that time, it was a matter of course, to be welcomed by my name in the pharmacy, and at any appointment with the doctor straightaway to book the next. Today, I'm welcomed by my name in the natural health food store, and I must strain my memory, to remember when I had to see my naturopath last. When I could help myself by your books, this interested nobody, and everybody declared the cure by change of nutrition as incidental. Now I don't need anymore help from healers a.o."
"Partially I felt a pulsating second beating of the heart in the area of the breastbone. The doctor meant, this would be the pressure by which the blood is bumped against the wall of the heart. Presently no Contact. Didn't anymore discuss this with him. Follow-up examinations aren't appointed. Hopefully the reason isn't the wrong social insurance? (BKK = low fees)."
"These measures were applied in former times, when not yet appropriate remedies were available."
"Because some values were above 160/90 mm/Hg, the doctor wanted to prescribe beta blockers; I objected. The doctor expressed himself as follows: 'Hypertension only can be fought by medication; anyway, nearly nobody keeps a change of nutrition.'"
"You must take the beta blockers!"
"An alternative to entering into a permanent medication doesn't exist."
"Trusts only the medication treatment."
"Daily I took 6-8 pills. The blood pressure went up to 185/110 mm/Hg. Leading professors of German universities and heart clinics again and again emphasized, that daily I must take these many tablets, and that for life. Today, I don't take anymore any single hypotonic pill. After having a long-term measuring at my family doctor (cardiologist!!!), I had super values: 132/78 (I'm 68 years old). My family doctor assumed, that I continue to take all those many pills. He looked into his computer data, if really for the last 5 months I hadn't taken any pills. He just didn't believe me. Immediately after he had told me the long-term result, I asked him, if I should continue to take these many pills for my hypertension; he responded: 'In any case you must take them daily.' Then I told him, that for 5 months I don't take any hypertension pills at all. After that, he was more than surprised, and didn't ask at all, what I have personally done, so that my blood pressure has changed so positively. As a cardiologist, in any case he should have asked this question. 'I see, so continue like that', were his words." 
"After lasting uninterrupted nosebleed, I was hospitalized and for 3 days treated by medication (nitro etc.), the bleeding was stopped and I was released to the family doctor. My doctor expressed himself as follows, means: Not at all, because for months I hadn't collected my pills from the nurse and nobody didn't care about the verification of my blood pressure. Practically, permanently it was prescribed without verification; this fits precisely into your doctors' image. Really, I'm boundlessly disappointed with the classic medicine and the 'cool discourse' of diseases which obviously are extremely dangerous: 'what does it matter, 50 % of the people have hypertension, don't worry, my one also is elevated ...' Can one still undergo medical treatment?"
"During occasional preventive checkups, my then family doctor stated hypertension and advised me, regularly to measure my blood pressure. After in my family relatively high blood pressure values were 'normal', I didn't pay special attention to this fact, and too didn't take the recommended medication (beta blockers). On August 15, 2004, suddenly I had a numb feeling in my left arm, which happened twice the same day, but disappeared after few minutes. To be on the safe side, I went to the hospital, and there a blood pressure of 214/103 mm/Hg was diagnosed. I explained this by the excitement caused by the numb arm. But too, during the next two days (I remained as in-patient), the blood pressure didn't fall. Only after I took the given medication (ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists), I reached blood pressure values of about 140/80 mm/Hg (a bit below or above). Because I only took this medication for some days, I didn't have complaints. I have lost my confidence in my former family doctor and control my blood pressure myself."
"Occasionally, I was suffering from a nearly insufferable Pressure on the eyes. My long ordeal leaded from optician, eye doctor to ear doctor (after noises in the ears and a wet feeling in the left ear appeared on the scene). The ear doctor couldn't find ear problems, but decided to measure my blood pressure, while doing so the electronic equipment left the service because of extremely high blood pressure. Back to the doctor, first I got Triatec 2.5 mg, later 5 mg. The helplessness of the classic medicine caused me to interrupt my contact with the doctor. The statement of the alternative doctor was: 'There only the classic medicine helps'"
"'You must take hypotonic tablets and cholesterol reducers' (my cholesterol was at 230), 'and this for the rest of your life. Otherwise you have a beautiful but short life.'"
"I must live with pills, even I should additionally take Ramipril."

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Results, recommendations, thanks to the participants of the study

Results of the hypertension study

Question 1: How effective is the recommended nutrition in normalizing a previously elevated blood pressure?

Answer: 54 of 58 participants could cure their hypertension completely. The remaining 4 participants too had better blood pressure values than before. By that, a high efficacy of this natural nutrition therapy of hypertension has been undoubtedly proven. With a success rate of 93 % concerning the blood pressure normalizing effect, its efficacy is essentially above the only 51 % success rate of the usual hypotonic medication. This natural nutrition therapy leads to the cure of hypertension, in average of the participants within 12 weeks. Too, even in the statistical average - at 75 % compliance of the nutritional recommendations and cease of all medication - the reached blood pressure values of 129/79 mm/Hg are far below the hypertension borderline of 140/90 mm/Hg of the WHO (World Health Organization).

From the basis of these data, we deduce with a certainty of 95 % a success rate between 83 % and 98 % for hypertonic patients as a whole, to bring their blood pressure values down to or below the hypertension borderline by the recommended natural nutrition.

Question 2: What's the efficacy of the usual hypotensive medication, to compare with the efficacy of this nutrition therapy?

Answer: The treatment with hypotensive medication works only so long as these remedies are taken. Therefore, the medication must be taken for life. These drug therapies can't cure hypertension. Only 21 of 41 participants, who were under hypotensive medication, that's 51 %, could lower their blood pressure down to the hypertension borderline (140/90 mm/Hg). In 49 % of these participants, even under medication the blood pressure remained essentially (up to far beyond) the hypertension borderline of 140/90 mm/Hg (WHO). Too, even in the statistical average of the participants who had taken hypotensive medication, with 149/91 mm/Hg their blood pressure values, as well the systolic as the diastolic value, remained above the hypertension borderline.

From the basis of these data, we deduce with a certainty of 95 % a success rate between 35 % and 67 % for hypertonic patients as a whole, to bring their blood pressure values down to or below the hypertension borderline by medication.

Question 3: How work the recommended nutritional measures in those hypotonic patients, in which the medication treatment couldn't bring down their blood pressure to the hypertension borderline (140/90 mm/Hg according to WHO)?

Answer: In 20 of the 41 participants, who had taken hypotensive remedies, the medication didn't bring down their blood pressure values to or below the hypertension borderline of 140/90 mm/Hg (WHO). From these 20 participants, in which the medication treatment didn't normalize their blood pressure, 18 - that means 90 % - could reach without medication a normal blood pressure at or below the hypertension borderline (WHO), by applying the recommended nutrition. Too the remaining 2 participants reached - by applying the recommended nutrition and cease of medication - lower blood pressure values, than before by medication.

From the basis of these data, we deduce with a certainty of 95 % a success rate between 68 % and 99 % for hypertonic patients as a whole, who's blood pressure values under medication have remained above the hypertension borderline of 140/90 mm/Hg (WHO), to bring their blood pressure values down to or below the hypertension borderline by the recommended natural nutrition and cease of medication.

Question 4: Which complaints of hypertension exist a) without medication; b) under medication; c) after change of nutrition and cease of medication?


  • All 79 participants have - under hypertension, however without medication - reported a total of 135 complaints.
  • 41 participants after that had taken hypotensive medication; this reduced number of participants reports a total of 155 complaints.
  • from 58 participants, who have changed their nutrition and no more taken medication, only 5 participants report yet only a total of 8 complaints, 7 of which have improved.

From this we conclude,

a) that before intake of hypotensive medication, the possibility of the body, to compensate narrowed capillaries and thickened blood by elevating the blood pressure, to maintain the supply with oxygen and energy, in many of the participants already had reached its limits, resulting in deficiency of oxygen and energy and therefore causing complaints;

b) further, that in this situation forcing down the blood pressure by medication, additionally impairs the possibilities of compensation, and therefore increases the deficiency of oxygen and energy, resulting in considerably increased and more serious complaints;

c) and finally that, after change of nutrition and cease of medication, the autonomic regulation system of the body can reduce the blood pressure down to normal, because the normalized capillaries and a normalized blood viscosity already allow at normal blood pressure values a full supply of all cells, organs and tissues of the body with oxygen and energy. That's too the reason, why hardly no more complaints are reported, and the few remaining ones are on the way to heal up.

Question 5: Which additional experiences after change of nutrition and cease of medication - surpassing the normalization of the blood pressure - have been reported by the participants of the study?

Answer: 54 of the 58 participants, who have changed their nutrition and no more taken medication, report about curative relief from numerous very different complaints, and about a significant increase of health, quality of life, physical and mental fitness, and joy if living.

Question 6: How were the participants supported by their physicians, and how did their physicians express themselves on this therapy?

Answer: Only 17 % of the participants' physicians have supported these patients fully in curing their hypertension. 33 % of the physicians didn't support the participants - their patients - very much, and 50 % of the physicians didn't at all support the participants - their patients - in curing their hypertension. The participants of the study report in detail:

  • 18 times about positive remarks/attitudes of their physicians on this therapy;
  • 21 times about not very helpful remarks/attitudes of their physicians on this therapy;
  • 33 times about negative, declining remarks/attitudes of their physicians on this therapy.

Summarizing statement:

Hypertension is curable, only not by medication.

Moreover, this natural nutrition therapy altogether causes a highly significant increase of quality of life, general health, subjective well-being, physical and mental fitness. Any further diseases, e.g. diabetes, improve or cure at the same time.

In contrast to that, the usual hypotensive medication (1) causes a considerable up to serious impairment of quality of life, (2) causes addiction for life to daily intake of medication, (3) only in about half of the cases lowers the blood pressure down to the hypertension borderline or below, and (4) can't cure hypertension.

Most physicians don't know that, or don't want at all to know it. As a result of this study, an extremely insufficient support of the participants in their efforts to recover by their physicians must be stated.


To all patients, who still suffer from hypertension

Your responsibility for your health you can't delegate to your doctor. Physicians take care of your diseases - subsisting upon them. Who takes care of your health? Nobody does, if not yourself! It's you alone, who's subsisting upon your health.

With this study, a broad highway to your health is opened. Drive it, and don't let anybody stop you. At the destination, not only a naturally normal blood pressure is awaiting you, but far beyond that you will meet a rich increase of health, quality of life and fitness.

To all physicians, who treat hypertonic patients

Hypertension is curable. Tell it to your patients - before they must tell it to you. If you change, from your hitherto prescribing permanent hypotonic medication for life, to curing hypertension, indeed you will lose the cured patients, who before, with "chronic, incurable hypertension", had been a permanent and reliable benefit for you. But it will be more than a compensation for you, to acquire and enjoy the reputation of a good doctor, who's able not only to treat, but expressively to cure diseases including hypertension. This will cause many other new patients to come to you from far to be cured too. Up to now, there will not be much concurrence from colleagues to you. It will only become critical for those physicians, who too long continue as usual, and finally will lose their patients because still not curing them.

Under legal aspects, it's omitting or refusing help, if withholding this curing, risk-free natural therapy (which is too free from negative side effects), from a hypertonic patient. There's not any medical reason for that. It's just the opposite. You justify your medical ethics by referring to Hippocrate? Then you should know, that he was teaching: "Let your food be your medication!", and that he made his students swear the "oath of Hippocrate", which is told to be, up to now, the ethical basis of the medical profession. Therein is written among other principles: "I will follow the system of regimen which according to my ability and judgment I consider for the benefit of my patients and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous." - Why don't you just do this, and cure your patients with it?

To all politicians, and especially to those engaged in "health politics"

Hypertension is the hugest cost factor within all costs of diseases, which represent an essential part of the total production costs of a country. With an elimination of the endemic disease hypertension alone, the total costs of diseases can be reduced by about 50 %, followed by further cost reductions because preventing the later consequences of hypertension like heart attack, stroke, kidney failure etc. This all can become reality in a relatively short time.

Pitch in with a will, and don't longer let you detain by the strong lobbies and pressure groups, who hitherto gain hundreds of billions from this single disease - so long as the disease is declared to be "incurable" and is "treated" with daily multiple medication for life, instead of simply being cured.

Thanks to the participants

Great thanks we owe to the participants of the study, who spared no effort to transfer their data, experiences and observations to us by our questionnaire. Everybody, who could cure his/her hypertension in this way and recover health, might please do the same.

Friedrichshafen, Germany, May 26, 2005 (publication of the Evaluation of the Hypertension Study in German)
Friedrichshafen, Germany, October 4, 2006 (publication of the Evaluation of the Hypertension Study in English)

Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer + Dr. Kurt Gruber


Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Zeppelinstr. 88
D-88045 Friedrichshafen
Fax +49 7541 398 561
E-Mail Dr.Schnitzer@t-online.de
Dr. Kurt Gruber
Wollengasse 5
CH-8910 Affoltern am Albis
Tel. +41 44 761 81 61

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Books, written by Dr. Johann G. Schnitzer in English

Book Hypertension Causes and Cure - Risk Factor 1 Now Curable! Normalize your blood pressure, leave the cardiovascular risk zone and get rid of pills and their side effects within 6-10 weeks.

The new book to cure yourself from hypertension:
Hypertension Causes & Cure - Life Threatening Risk Factor 1 Now Curable!
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
High blood pressure is the silent main killer of civilization. One of each two people in a developed country dies suddenly of one of its consequences: Heart attack, stroke, embolism. This book informs you about the true causes of hypertension. It teaches you how to leave fast the risk zone of fatal cardiovascular events, how to get free from those pills with their disagreeable side effects, and how to normalize your blood pressure within 6-12 weeks for good in a very natural way (see the typical case histories in the book). Read it and cure your hypertension now!

Booklet Natural Cure of Obesity by Health: How to normalize your weight without going hungry.

The new booklet to normalize your weight in the natural way:
Natural Cure of Obesity by Health
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
It contains all the information you need to normalize your body weight by restoring your complete health. It explains why the common recommendations don't work. You learn, by which natural food your appetite is satisfied before the calories become more than needed, because of balanced food contents of everything  the body needs. So your weight normalizes for good without going hungry. Even healthy baby-food is described, to protect your children from later obesity. Read it and start your normal weight now!

Book Diabetes Causes and Cure, including Cure of Later Diabetes Consequences. Self-help for diabetics. How to cure diabetes, not only "to treat it and to live with the disease for lifetime". Most of it you can do yourself!

New edition 2001/2002. It's in your own hands:
Diabetes Causes & Cure - including Cure of Later Diabetes Consequences
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
800.000 leg amputations in diabetic patients are enough! Such a huge number of amputations have been carried out in Germany alone during the last 2 decades. Most of them unnecessarily, as the author of this book is convinced. Because already in 1977 - when asked for advice in a dramatic case - Dr. Schnitzer found a way to save the leg of a diabetic patient that urgently should have been amputated because of diabetic gangrene. After that, surprisingly, the diabetes itself healed up. 

Book "Whole Grain Baking" for Housewives and Hobby-Bakers. How to bake your own healthy, tasty, and beautiful whole grain breads and pastry.

First English Edition 2004 of Dr. Schnitzer's classic German Whole Grain Baking book
(10 editions, 77 thousand copies sold since 1978)
Whole Grain Baking for Housewives and Hobby-Bakers
10 Lessons Basic Knowledge, 14 Types of Whole Grain Bread and Pastry
96 pages, US$ 29.- per copy, free delivery by airmail to all parts of the world
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
Bread is much more than bread. For thousands of years it has been the symbol of food, life, physical and spiritual power. Bread is made from cereal grains, originally from freshly milled whole grains, having maintained the health of populations from generation to generation. The chronic civilization ailments started, when the fresh whole grain flour was replaced by storable, refined, extracted white and grey extra short flours. This book allows you to re-establish your most important basis of health: Healthy, tasty, and beautiful whole grain breads and pastry.

Book Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition - Schnitzer Normal Nutrition. Man-appropriate natural nutrition (civilized origin nutrition), the most essential precondition for health and recovery.

The classic book of man-appropriate natural nutrition:
Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition - Schnitzer Normal Nutrition
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
Before writing this book, the author stated: "It's a fact, that feeding habits of civilization cause most chronic ailments of civilization. The genetic programming of the human metabolism couldn't adapt to this unnatural, denaturated food. So, the old genetic programming for man's origin nutrition must be functional". This origin nutrition he searched for, found, developed from it a man-appropriate "civilized origin nutrition", and described it in this book with recipes and pictures. Subsequently hundreds of thousands of people are able to recover from chronic diseases and re-conquer their health with it (13 editions, 144,000 copies sold). Realize your own health opportunities now also!

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