Medicine has discovered that hypertension is the main risk
factor for the main cause of death in civilized populations: The
cardiovascular diseases - like heart attack, stroke, embolism, kidney
failure and more. In all those cases, hypertension was found as the
preceding condition.
Consequently, the medical research has developed medication that
forces the body to lower its blood pressure.
Under scientific aspects, this research hasn't yet succeeded much.
The "standard therapy of hypertension" is composed of 5
different medications for daily intake. This therapy "treats"
hypertension, but doesn't cure it. Even the body of the patient seems to
oppose to the medication, elevating again its blood pressure. The only medical response is
to increase the dosages and the number of remedies
prescribed to the patient. Despite the serious side effects, the
medication available up to now doesn't really reduce the high
cardiovascular risk: 50 % of the modern populations die from
cardiovascular diseases, it doesn't matter with or without medication
(even with medication the mortality is slightly higher than without).
However, under economic aspects of modern medicine, hypertension has
highly succeeded to become a main issue: It provides physicians and clinics with
50 % of all their patients, and hypertension medication has become a
multi-billion-dollars business.
Why all the many hypertension remedies don't cure?
After so many different hypertension remedies don't succeed to cure
hypertension, not even to "normalize" the blood pressure and
blood parameters of hypertonic patients, but cause many disagreeable and
partially serious side effects, its a matter of logic proceeding to put
doubts on the the basic approach.
Airily the medical doctrine's conclusion from the weak medications'
efficacy is to declare hypertension to be "incurable", and its
causes to be "unknown". Fine - for the modern medicine's
economy. Not so fine for the hypertonic patients, who are condemned for
lifetime to depend on medication, to suffer from its side effects, and
to be the paymasters of the medical system for good without ever being
Are the causes of hypertension really "unknown"?
The truth is: the "modern medicine" didn't search for
causes of hypertension. They even didn't want that somebody would try to
find these causes. Economically, neither the physicians nor the producers of
medication can be interested to find the causes of hypertension and, by
enabling the people to remove these causes, to risk a collapse of the
multi-billion-dollars hypertension business.
As an example: When - in the 1970ties - the German Health Ministry offered 600
millions DM (about 300 millions US$) for further research on the chronic
civilization diseases, scientists were invited to a meeting in the
University of Ulm, to propose their studies. But before the public
meeting started, the "medical experts" internally had already
distributed the cake, and to the public they declared that
"non-medicational methods are excluded from sponsoring by
principle". Several independent scientists objected: "But you
can't put half of the population under permanent hypertension
medication!" The objections were ignored. The permanent medication
of millions of people was just what these "experts" were
having in mind - and what they reached finally. 3 decades later, the
turnover with hypertension pills in Germany had become about 75 millions
US$ - not per year, not per month, but per day!
From 1980 to 2000, the German medical doctors (physicians) have
increased from about 100,000 physicians in 1980 to 294,676 physicians in
2001. In the year 2002, the Technical University of Dresden, Germany
carried out a study in 2000 doctors' practices with their 45,000
patients. The results: every other patient is suffering from
hypertension, every fifth from diabetes, and every tenth from both
diseases together.
The conclusion: Hypertension is the most essential platform of the
physicians' economic existence, contributing 50 % to their revenue,
followed by diabetes, contributing another 25 %. In other words: If the
294,676 German physicians would inform their patients about the health
secrets published on this Website, 75 % (221,007) of the German
physicians would have to close their doctors' practices for lack of
patients; 25 % (73,669) physicians would be sufficient to treat the
remaining other diseases. Therefore, it seems to be a "national
duty of every citizen", to stay chronically ill with hypertension,
or at least with diabetes, or better with both diseases, and to suffer
too from the side-effects of the prescribed medications, needing
"medical treatment" as well - all this to save these plenty of
doctors from losing their basis of existence.
In principle, this conclusion can be transferred to every other so
called "civilized" country of the world.
In truth, the causes of hypertension are known for decades
Already in the 1960ties, Dr. Ralph Bircher (Zurich, son of Dr. Max
Bircher-Benner) published studies about certain widespread civilization
feeding habits causing hypertension and several other diseases; and
Prof. Dr. Lothar Wendt (Frankfurt) published a book with many scientific
studies about the changes in the body and in the cardiovascular system
caused by these wrong feeding habits.
In fact, it's an oversupply with animal protein and refined
carbohydrates and a deficiency of natural, man-appropriate food, causing
the following consequences:
- Thickening of the basal membranes of the blood vessels and
- narrowing of the inside diameter of the arteries and capillaries,
- thickening of the blood (higher viscosity by more blood cells =
elevated haematocrit),
- increasing of the coagulation tendency of the blood.
High blood pressure: Logic measure of the body's intelligent
control system
Every normal engineer knows what to do if asked to maintain the
pumped quantity per minute in a pipe system under circumstances of higher
viscosity and
narrowed pipes of the system: The logic solution is to elevate the
pumping pressure!
That's exactly what the intelligent control system of the human body
does when elevating the blood pressure, to maintain a sufficient oxygen
and energy supply for the body's cells, organs, and last not least for
the brain.
Considerably less intelligent: What the "modern medicine"
is doing
It's considerably less logic and less intelligent what the
"modern medicine" is doing: To force - under such
circumstances of higher flow resistance - the blood pressure down,
without removing the nutritional causes of the narrowed blood vessels
and capillaries and of the thickened blood. The consequences: Now the
cells, organs and the brain are suffering from a deficiency of oxygen
and energy - and this is the cause of serious complaints, called
"side-effects", e.g. dizziness, headache, fatigue, depression,
throbbing of the heart, lack of energy, lack of concentration,
impotency, frigidity.
It's the wrong basic approach causing the failure and the side effects
Now it becomes obvious: It's the wrong basic medical approach causing the failure
of hypertension medication and its serious "side effects". It
becomes obvious too, why
all these many billions of US$ spent for such hypertension medication
couldn't make a significant change in the hypertension mortality (death
rate) of hypertension: With or without medication, every other person of
"first world" countries dies from cardiovascular diseases, the
consequences of hypertension (if lowered with pills or not).
The true source of danger isn't hypertension. The true source of
danger are the widespread wrong feeding habits with negative
consequences for the cardiovascular system, that force the intelligent
control system of the body to elevate the blood pressure, to maintain
the blood flow, oxygen and energy supply, by compensating the
inconvenient circumstances of a narrowed pipe system and a thickened
The true source of the hypertension medication side effects isn't its
(not very real) "efficacy". The true souce of the hypertension
medication side effects is the wrong basic approach, to fight the
symptom "elevated blood pressure", instead of removing the
causes that force the body to elevate the blood pressure.
Consequences that should be, but can't be expected
The practical consequences should be:
- Physicians should inform their hypertonic patients about the true
causes of hypertension, motivate them to change their nutrition to a
natural, man-appropriate one, and should support the patients'
efforts to re-conquer their natural health, by normalizing their
blood pressure without hypertension pills.
- Food industries, gastronomy, bakeries, agriculture, and the pharma
industry should change their product policy towards a natural,
man-appropriate food supply for the population, and towards natural
food supplements and remedies to maintain and restore health (Hippocrates, 460-337 B.C.: "Let your food be your
- Health politicians should change their politics from supporting
the diseases economy and pressure groups to true information of the
public about the true causes of diseases, especially of
hypertension, and the true basics of natural health.
All these consequences can't be expected. Why?
Physicians and the pharma industry are living upon the diseases of
the population (and not upon the populations' health, as they try to
make us believe). If general health would break out like an endemic
disease, it
would be an economic doomsday for them, as they are presently
established. Both sectors should develop considerable creativity, if
willing to contribute to a natural health of the civilized populations
and living upon their health.
Food industries work by extracting and sterilizing natural foodstuff,
to produce storable food products. By this, they destroy most of the
natural health value of the fresh natural products.
Gastronomy could succeed to offer healthy, fresh natural meals and
menus. But this would need the appropriate knowledge, the motivation,
some more efforts than opening just tins or opening the deep freeze
comparment - and guests/customers knowledge about the health value of
fresh food preparations from natural food products, and appreciating and
paying the additional efforts for their health's sake.
Bakeries could offer delicious wholemeal bread and bakery products,
made from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains. But this would also
need the basic knowledge, the appropriate recipes, and some more efforts
than just opening the tap of the silo with the convenient, ready-made
flour mixture for breads and rolls. It would need an own mill inside the
bakery (as it was normal in the old Rome - and the old Romans didn't
suffer from hypertension).
Agriculture could change from quantity to health quality, from meat
and milk production to high quality and delicious taste food crops
production, to supply the markets with health creating and maintaining
foodstuff. (As a positive side effect, this would allow to cease not
only the chronic diseases, but also the chronic starvation of hundreds of
millions of people in the world).
All these ethically logic consequences can't be expected. Why?
Because the true target of all these sectors isn't to improve the
natural health of populations. Their target is the the economic profit.
Your diseases cost you more and therefore bring them more, than your
natural health would do.
So, what are your personal consequences?
Consequences that you are free to draw
First of all, you are equipped with your free will. That's one of the
essential gifts from God when He created man. People and institutions
can advice or seduce you. They can try to manipulate you by targeted
disinformation. They can even try to blackmail you. But finally they
can't force you to do anything that's not your free will to do.
Nobody can force you to eat foodstuff that makes you ill. Nobody can
force you to take medication that doesn't cure you. Nobody can stop you
if your free will is to change you nutrition to a natural,
man-appropriate food supply. Nobody can stop you if your free will is to
recover and to stay healthy.
What are you still waiting for? From the current circumstances you
are free to draw the consequence to re-conquer and control your health
yourself. What you need is your will to do it, the knowledge how
to do it, and then to do it.
Hypertension: Just cure it within some weeks,
leaving behind you
all medication and all side effects.
All knowledge how to do it you can find on the next pages.
Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2004 Dr. Johann Georg