Hypertension - Don't be afraid of natural health
(Contributions to Dr.
Schnitzer's Health Secrets Forum since May 1999)
(Beiträge zu Dr. Schnitzer's
Gesundheits-Forum seit Mai 1999)
List of succesful Users in the USA?
Can Dr. Schnitzer give a list of successful users in the United States
First, let me give my hearted appreciation to Dr. Schnitzer for his work
in hypertension.
Second, it is true that chronic sufferers of hypertension are used by the
conventional medical community and the pharmaceutical industry.
My question is, can you, Dr. Schnitzer, furnish me with a list of patients
or users or doctors as reference to the validity of your treatment in the
United States that I can contact?
If you can do this, there are millions of people who will come to you for
your treatment, but we MUST have proof that it will work.
I'm concerned about the process of removing myself from the one drug that
I am taking. Stopping it will cause rapid heart beat and an increase in
systolic and dystolic pressure. Can you comment on this part of your therapy?
Thank you so much for taking my inquiry.
Al Guichard
Link für neuen Beitrag: Dr.
Schnitzer's Gesundheits-Forum
Don't be afraid of natural Health
Dear Mr. Guichard,
thank you for expressing questions that many other sufferers of hypertension
might have, so giving me the opportunity to answer to them:
We strictly maintain the privacy of any person contacting us with their
many health (means diseases) problems. That's why it is not possible to
furnish you a list of patients or users as a reference, that you could
contact them. And doctors from USA were not yet showing interest in this
natural way to normalize blood pressure without pills (to understand this,
please read my treaty "Medicus,
quo vadis?").
But there are other possibilities, how you could find information about
the efficacy of natural health in normalizing the blood pressure, too.
In English, even you find a contribution on this Forum: "Hypertension
- just cure it!". I would like to encourage others, who could reconquer
their health and normalize their blood pressure in this way, also to report
on this Health Forum, to give a healthy push to the still remaining
millions of sufferers of hypertension, to reconquer their health as well.
Another possibility is, that you use the Health
Searchengine of this site, to search for information about the keywords
"hypertension", and if you know German "Hypertonie", and "Bluthochdruck".
If you find it worth and not too much risky to invest US$ 39.- in your
chance to recapture your health, to overcome your hypertension, and to
come free from those pills, you can find several cases of former hypertonic
patients, who could cure their hypertension, partially reported by their
physicians in all relevant details. These cases are reported in my book
"Hypertension, Life Threatening
Risk Factor ! Now Curable!". In that book you find, in addition, all
information you need to recapture your health, too.
If you compare this "investment risk" to the very real risk of sudden fatal
cardiovascular events, indicated by the hypertension and the true status
of your condition, that comes out immediately when you leave off the drug
you are taking presently, it should not be very difficult to take the right
The first step to come free from such a drug is not just to leave it off
- you already reported yourself what happened after you tried this.
The right way is first to reestablish the natural basis of health - that
is a natural, man-appropriate, un-denaturated nutrition, as described on
this site and in that book mentioned above, and additionally explained
in many variations in the book "Schnitzer
Intensive Nutrition, Schnitzer Normal Nutrition".
Then the second step is, in correlation to the improvement of health and
blood pressure, to reduce the dosage of the drug, until at last there is
no more any reason to continue the intake at all.
Perhaps you could find a physician supporting you by checking your blood
and blood pressure parameters whilst your health is improving step by step,
who doesn't care - and can afford - to lose patients by health. I would
recommend to search a physician who is trained and experienced in homeopathy
and natural medicine; those are closer to the idea of curing and preventing
diseases by re-establishing the natural health of the patient.
Don't be afraid of natural health. It is created by God. What you should
eat to maintain it or to recapture it, already you find described on the
first pages of the Bible (Genesis). Still man is genetically programmed
for that type of (frugivorous) food, that's why the human metabolism normalizes
as soon as you feed it as described there. What the "Modern Medicine" can
provide, is only an artificially maintained "as-if-health". What that means,
immediately you find out when leaving off their medications and treatments.
Best regards -
sincerely yours
Dr. J. G. Schnitzer
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Schnitzer's Gesundheits-Forum
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Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2004 Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
/ https://www.dr-schnitzer.de