
Detoxification, Allergies

(Contributions to Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Forum, May 1999 - January 2000)
(Beiträge zu Dr. Schnitzer's Gesundheits-Forum, Mai 1999 - Januar 2000)

Sent by "Bernhard Braun" 27 June 1999, 20:10:49
Detoxification, Allergies
First I'd like to thank Dr. Schnitzer for the presentation he gave about 20 years ago at the University of Tuebingen, where I was a student at the time. That presentation put me on the right path towards a healthy and successful life. When I moved to America a few years later I included the small booklet handed out after that presentation in the short list of things I decided to take with me.
It wasn't until another nine years later, after I met my wife, that I came across this booklet and read it again. Since I moved to America my diet has drifted away from the ideal and the booklet refreshed my knowledge about correct nutrition and put me back on the right path. I then ordered a mill from Schnitzer GmBH, and my wife and I have been living more or less according to Dr. Schnitzer's suggestions ever since.
Today we are both in excellent health, have successful careers, and two healthy, strong and good-looking children, a 5 year old boy and 2 year old girl. Now, I would like to ask Dr. Schnitzer a couple questions:
(1) Some people refer to a phenomenon called "detoxification" that occurs when people switch from "regular" diet to raw food diet (like "Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition"). In your articles you seem to mention detoxification only in conjunction with viral infections. Can detoxification symptoms occur without preceding viral infections? Since the beginning of the year I have completely given up any heat treated foods, including bread, and have occasionally experienced rather unusual (detoxification?) symptoms.
(2) Our 2 year old daughter seems to have allergic reactions to certain foods, such as certain nuts, wheat, tomatoes, even though she never consumed any animal products and eats mostly organic ("biologisch") foods. The condition seems to improve slowly as she is growing older, but we don't understand why she developed this sensitivity. Her older brother never had any problems. Do you have any ideas as to what causes this? Could it be related to the fact that her mother is asian (Chinese)? Could it be chemicals in the food or environment?
Thank you very much!
Bernhard Braun
Link for your contribution: Dr. Schnitzer's Health Forum

Sent by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer 27 June 1999, 23:20:03
Response to "Detoxification, Allergies" ("Bernhard Braun" am 27 Juni, 1999 um 20:10:49)
Dear Mr. Bernhard Braun,
thanks for your contribution. With your report about 20 years of health experience you are encouraging others, who can't believe that it is so easy to maintain a natural health, including to give it on to the next generation.
Your question 1 - detoxification:
There are many ways, how poisons (toxines) can enter the body and accumulate in the tissues. Too, non-toxic substances like protein and fat can accumulate in the body, if their intake is more than the body can consume. Stored protein and fat are the preferred places where the body puts the toxines also. So, if the person changes from denatured wrong nutrition to a healthy, natural one, the stored protein oversupply and the fat surplus are metabolized and eliminated. This sets the stored toxines free, and their elimination creates sometimes "detoxification symptoms".
Your question 2 - allergic reactions of your 2 years old daughter to certain foods:
On the one side, this can be caused by chemical substances, which have entered the food crops, coming from the atmosphere or water or from fertilizers. There are thousands of different possibilities. Mercury, e.g., can create a basic allergic disposition, which expands then to more and more substances, including flowers, foodstuffs and animals. Another cause can be food crops with artificially manipulated genetic properties (by genetic technology, e.g.). In any case, it is a good idea to find out which of the healthy foodstuffs your daughter tolerates at this moment (which varieties of cereals, pulses, root vegetables, leafy salads, seeds, nuts and fruits, and bring her up with those. Probably later she will tolerate all of them, and the allergic reaction will vanish.
On the other side, an allergic disposition can be produced, if once an acute event like fever or inflammation was treated by e.g. antibiotics, sulfonamides or other chemical medicaments. This suppresses the immune system in an acute defense activity. After that, "wrong" reactions of the immune system can be the consequence. I have seen also diabetes type I and leukemia raising after such treatments.
It would be a good idea to give the child a good homeopathic treatment - if you find one, by a physician who is an expert in homeopathy and in electroacupuncture (developed by Dr. Reinhard Voll, Plochingen). Because electroacupuncture helps to test which homeopathic medicaments will have the best curing effect on the patient. Such treatment too can produce some "detoxification symptoms" in the beginning, when toxines, which could have entered cells and suppress genetic functions, are eliminated by this treatment (antihomotoxic therapy according to Dr. Hans Heinrich Reckeweg).
I don't see any cause in the fact that the mother is asian. In the opposite, such mixture of more different genes mostly results in a "freshing up" of vitality, health and beauty.
Best regards - sincerely yours
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Link for your contribution: Dr. Schnitzer's Health Forum

Sent by "Bernhard Braun" 30 June 1999, 15:50:41
Re-Response to "Detoxification, Allergies" (Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer 27 June, 1999, 23:20:03)
Dr. Schnitzer,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply to my questions on your forum. I will follow up on your suggestions regarding my daughters allergies and look into homeopathic treatments. Since you have warned against chemical medications in your books and articles I made sure that my children never received any. They were never seriously ill and easily recovered from occasional virus infections on their own.
Let me emphasize again, that my two children are exceptionally healthy, good-looking, happy and intelligent (at age five, my son is fluent in Chinese, German, and English, and my daughter is picking it up even faster). There is no doubt in my mind that we owe this in large part to your efforts in educating the public about nutrition and other health issues.
Regarding myself, despite having two small children and a busy career, "Schnitzer nutrition" has enabled me to continuously improve my fitness and play more and more competitive tennis. At age 39, I feel in better condition than at any time in my life and can easily keep up with tennis players half my age.
This reminds me of one of your unpublished papers mentioned in your CV: "Erfolg im Sport durch naturnahe Leistungskost". How can I get a copy of this paper? Again, thank you very much!
Bernhard Braun
Link for your contribution: Dr. Schnitzer's Health Forum

Sent by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer 30 June 1999, 19:47:05
Another Response to "Detoxification, Allergies" ("Bernhard Braun" am 30 Juni, 1999 um 15:50:41)
Mr. Braun,
thanks for your information, that should encourage others to follow up this way of natural health and vitality, which I try to teach since 1963. The unpublished paper you ask about (which is mentionned in my CV 1977 and 1986) was a public lecture I gave 25th September 1977 in Koenigsfeld, Black Forest, where a sports event about jogging happened, in which the Olympic Champion Lasse Viren (Finnland) participated. Later the paper was printed as a manuscript with the title "Eine naturnahe Leistungskost als Alternative zum Doping" (A Natural Performance Diet as an Alternative to Doping). It has 17 pages. If you would like to get a copy, please send me your airmail address and some US$ you think appropriate to cover the copy costs and airmail postage.
Just now again there is a lot of discussion about doping, now in bicycle sports in Europe. The temptation is caused by the wrong concept of a sports diet rich in protein. This causes a sudden drop of efficiency, when already a lot of training has been invested, and the date of competition is near. Not knowing what to do in this situation, the only way out is seen in drugs ... This wrong diet also is the main cause of sudden death of such champions, which is reported every some months in the news and newspapers.
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Link: Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service (Survey and Introduction)
Link for your contribution: Dr. Schnitzer's Health Forum

Abgeschickt von Monika Berktold am 01 Juli 1999 um 15:22:41
Response to "Re:Detoxification, allergies" (Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer 30 June 1999, 19:47:05)
 Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Schnitzer,
auch wir haben großes Interesse an Ihrer Schrift "Eine naturnahe Leistungskost als Alternative zum Doping". Wir würden gerne 1 Abdruck davon gegen Rechnung beziehen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Monika Berktold
Link für Ihren Beitrag: Dr. Schnitzer's Gesundheits-Forum

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Friedrichshafen, Germany, im Jahr 2003,   Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Dr.Schnitzer@t-online.de / https://www.dr-schnitzer.de

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