
Dr. med. dent. Johann Georg Schnitzer

Curriculum Vitae (Biography)
My Books;   other Essays, Studies, Lectures ...
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer (summer 1996)
Dr. med. dent. Johann Georg Schnitzer (Photo: Summer 1996)
Zeppelinstr. 88, D-88045 Friedrichshafen, Germany
Fax +49-7541-398561; E-mail: Dr.Schnitzer@t-online.de
Dr. med. dent. Johann Georg Schnitzer
June 1, 1930 in Freiburg/Breisgau, as son of the married couple Dr. Otto Schnitzer and Friedel Schnitzer, neé Groezinger.
Primary school:
1936-1940 in St.Georgen, Black Forest.
Secondary school:
1940-1942 Buergerschule in St.Georgen, Black Forest. 
1942-1950 grammar school: Romaeus-Gymnasium in Villingen.
School leaving examination:
"Abitur" (university entrance qualifying examination) in July 1950 in Villingen, Black Forest.
1950-1954 in Freiburg. 1954 registration as a dentist.
1956 at the university of Freiburg as "Dr. med. dent."
Dental assistant work:
1955-1958 at dental surgeries in Zweisimmen (Dr. Hans von Weissenfluh, inventor of many dental devices, founder of the firms Hawe-Dental and Neos Hawe Dental) and Solothurn (Dr. Walter Herzog), both in Switzerland; 1958-1962 in his father's dental surgery (Dr. Otto Schnitzer) in St.Georgen, Black Forest.
Independant dentistry:
1962-1975 in Moenchweiler, Black Forest, 1975-1985 in St.Georgen, Black Forest,, 1986-1989 in Ueberlingen, Lake Constance.
Head of the Schnitzer Institute:
Since its foundation in 1982 until 1997.
Head of the Schnitzer Dental Clinic:
Since its foundation in 1989 until 1997.
Scientific studies and developments:
In general: Studies and developments improving health of population and environment, by prevention and by curing methods.
Higher dental precision:
Studies on the precision problems of technical and dental laboratory procedures in dentistry, development of special modelling and impression materials of higher precision (1958).
Special methods for integrated rehabilitations of dentition:
Development (since 1960) of special methods for integrated rehabilitations of dentition in cases of heavy and long-term tooth decay, also partially causing and being associated with general diseases (published in 3 books: "Never have Toothache again!" 1970, "Healthy Teeth" 1988 and "Teeth problems and how to overcome them! 1993).
Study on efficacy of educational work to improve dental health by reducing caries:
1963-1969 scientific study at Moenchweiler, Black Forest, on the efficacy of educational work concerning natural healthy nutrition to reduce the dental caries of a population (results published in the book "Healthy Teeth from Childhood to Old Age due to Healthy Nutrition", 1rst edition 1965, 2nd 1967, 3rd 1973).
Significant results of the dental health study, reducing tooth decay of children up to 100 % (= full stop of caries affections):
Already 12 months after educational work was started, a first reduction of tooth decay appeared in the statistics of the different age groups. The reduction of dental caries within 5 years, determined by the number of tooth-surfaces affected by dental caries (counting both treated and non-treated surfaces, with each tooth having 5 surfaces) per child in the respective different groups of the same age, through which the children pass as they grow up, was between 36.5 % and 100 % (100 % reduction = no more any tooth decay)!
Results of this study to improve dental health by reducing dental caries in numbers:
Age group
Reduction from / to
Reduction in %
 1 -  3 years
2.3 sfcs. - 0.0 sfcs.
100.00 %
 3 -  6 years
12.6 sfcs. - 1.7 sfcs.
86.51 %
 6 - 10 years
22.1 sfcs. - 15.3 sfcs.
30.77 %
10 - 14 years
22.2 sfcs. - 14.1 sfcs.
36.49 %

Index: Reduction of teeth surfaces affected by dental caries, treated and non-treated, per child in the respective different age groups during 5 years of educational word on natural healthy nutrition (1963-1968)

Pursuit of correlations between feeding habits, health, chronic diseases and degeneration:
Since 1963, the pursuit of correlations between the different nutrition (feeding habits), health, fitness, physical performance, chronic diseases (civilization diseases and ailments), degeneration, impairment to reproductivity (=incapacity of parents to pass on all genetic information to the next generation), problems of world nutrition, world population, world ecology and world economy.
A basic realization ...:
Since 1963, the development of the following fundamental realization: The hope of science, that mankind could adapt to denaturated civilized nutrition, has failed. This failure was followed (and proved evidence) by hundreds of different, complicated chronic diseases and degenerations, which incur tremendous costs for the medical treatment of chronically sick populations.
... and its successful consequences:
Also since 1963, the development of the realization's following very successful consequences: Thus, the opposite strategy has to be applied, i.e. nutrition and feeding habits must be adapted to the genetic program of mankind. By feeding the natural foodstuffs for which the organism is genetically  programmed, its metabolism normalizes and it functions at its best. In this way civilization can be developed to a higher level without chronic diseases and without degeneration, with the persisting and good natural health and immunity of individuals and populations.
Food according to man's genetic program - Civilized Origin Nutrition:
As well since 1963, the development of the frugivorous "civilized origin nutrition" (= Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition and Schnitzer Normal Nutrition), based mainly on cereals, leguminous plants, root vegetables, leafy salads, nuts and fruits, which is adopted nowadays by countless families, and recommended by many medical doctors and therapists as a basic therapy for chronic diseases. In 1983 the American Cancer Research Institute published "the best diet for cancer prevention", 90 % if which is nearly the same as this "civilized origin nutrition".
Memorandum to the German Government on Catastrophic Health Situation:
1964 the memorandum on the "Causes of the Catastrophic Health Situation in the Federal Republic of Germany, and Strategies to Restore the Health of the Population", which was based on the scientific knowledge prevailing at that time, was sent to the Committee of Health of the German Parliament (Cairman, Dr. Hamm), and to all the members of the Governments and Parliaments of Federal Germany and its Federal Countries (about 1,800 politicians). In this memorandum the author urgently warned of approaching chronic diseases and degeneration as well as the consequences to the economy, ecology, society and population, and how to prevent them. However, no political action has resulted, and now, 35 years later, most of these consequences have become hard reality.
Invention and construction of the modern household grinders with millstones:
1966 invention and construction of the modern household grinders with millstones - because no household mills were obtainable to grind cereals freshly in the kitchen - and development of modern industrial production methods to produce small precise millstones. During the following years, construction of about 20 different models of such mills, two of them supplied at the request of Bosch-Siemens Household Equipments Ltd.. Now, more than 30 years later, most of my constructions are still on the market, and in addition about 200 other models, more or less copied from my constructions, and the total number of household grinders in Germany exceed 1 million.
Invention of household grinders was necessary for a healthy nutrition:
The motivation to invent and construct such household grinders was prompted by the following knowledge: Cereals contain complexes of active agents, which are essential for growth and the regeneration of cells, and are not available in sufficient quantities, qualities and optimal compositions in any other foodstuffs. This was discovered in 1924 and investigated thoroughly in every detail in experiments during many of the following years by Prof. Dr. med. Werner Kollath, bacteriologist and hygienist. After grinding cereals, these sensitive active agents are destroyed quickly by oxidation and enzymatic decomposition. One possibility for preserving these complexes of active agents and utilizing them for healthy nutrition, is to grind cereals freshly before immediate use of the flour or flakes when preparing the dough for bread and other bakery products, pasta, meals and raw mueslis.
Discovery of a nutrition therapy healing diabetes of adults in many cases:
1978 discovery of a nutrition therapy which enables healing diabetes of adults (Type II) in many cases as well as its later consequences: It was a 69 years old diabetic patient, since 6 weeks in a hospital in Germany. Now a diabetic gangrene developed in one of his legs. The hospital's doctors: "We must urgently amputate your leg within 24 hours, otherwise you're dead within 48 hours because of blood-poisoning (sepsis)". He said "No!". His family had to take him home on the backseat of their car, because ambulance refused transport because of his critical situation. Then they asked me what to do. Not knowing much about diabetes at that time, but knowing well which are the basements of health, I recommended a consequently raw, vegetable "civilized origin nutrition" and asked a medical doctor to control the case. He said 48 hours later: "Amputation no more necessary, because blood circulation fundamentally improved." The gangrene healed up completely within some weeks. What was even more surprising: After some months the diabetic disease itself was cured completely! Since then collecting positive experience in cooperation with some medical doctors and patients. But still now, 20 years later, e.g. in Germany about 33,000 amputations per year are carried out because of diabetic gangrene, and everywhere in Germany you find nowadays the best parking places reserved for these persons, disabled by a doubtful war against diseases, instead of just simply re-establishing their health. I'm convinced that most of these amputations could be avoided and most patients even be cured from their "incurable" basic disease, if this natural curing therapy would be applied in such cases.
In 1981 Dr. Jesse Roth / Bethseda, USA discovered the insulin receptors. He discovered that patients having diabetes of adults don not have an insulin deficiency, but rather a dysfunction of the insulin receptors. He could normalize their functions with a diet high in fibers and low in calories. This mechanism partially explains the efficacy of my "civilized origin nutrition", specification "Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition" (= completely raw, completely plant foodstuffs, not any foodstuffs from animals).
Study of  Dr. med. Helmut Weiss, testing the efficacy of my new diabetes therapy by "civilized origin nutrition" on 119 diabetic patients:
In the medical journal "Erfahrungsheilkunde" 13/1981, pages 1085-1087 (Haug Verlag, Heidelberg) Dr. med. Helmut Weiss reported about the efficacy of this new therapy I found in 1978, tested on 119 diabetic patients of both Types of the disease:
Diabetes of adults
Later consequences
Juvenile Diabetes
Later consequences

Index: Healing and improvements in juvenile diabetes (Type I), diabetes of adults (Type II) and its later consequences, applying the nutrition therapy discovered by the author in 1978

Preliminary studies on leprosy in Ethiopia:
1983 preliminary studies in Ethiopia (especially in Borumeda) on correlations between feeding habits and leprosy; planning a scientific study.
Study on leprosy and nutrition in Sri Lanka:
1985 commencement of a two years lasting scientific study on leprosy and nutrition in Sri Lanka: "Controlled Field Study for Testing the Efficacy of a Special Diet as a Treatment of Patients with Lepromatous Leprosy". It could be proved that in 90 % of the patients under diet leprosy ulcers were either improved (reducing size, no more oozing) or completely cured. Some ulcers, as large as a person's hand, healed up completely within only 10 weeks of changing their food to the natural healthy nutrition. (About 90 % of the control group, continuing their (even vegetarian, but cooked) usual feeding habits and conventional treatment with pills, became worse).
New, causal therapy healing hypertension:
1987 development of an effective causal therapy for essential hypertension (high blood pressure) 1.11.1987 introduction of this therapy at the "Medical Week Baden-Baden" (a yearly medical congress). Publication of two books on this. For doctors: "The causal Therapy of Essential Hypertension" (Haug Verlag, Heidelberg, 1987), and for laymen and patients: "Risk Factor - high Blood Pressure, a Threat to Life, but curable" (edition Heyne, Munich, 1987). This therapy normalizes high blood pressure in most cases within 6 - 10 weeks without medicaments.
New cereal processing:
1988 development and application for patent of a new procedure for protecting cereals and other seeds from storage losses after the harvest without using chemistry (humidity, rats and mice, bugs and insects), and for preserving the important health, growth and regenerating factors of cereals during the milling process in big industrial mills and during the storage of the flour and baking mixtures, the production of bread and other cereal products - in order to utilize the indispensable health factors for human nutrition, which cannot be found in these quantities and qualities in any other foodstuff. Deficiency of these sensitive complexes of active agents in today's cereal products is at present a main cause of degeneration of populations and of increasing chronic civilization ailments. Moreover, at the same time about 800 million people are starving because of the improper utilization of the world's yearly harvest of cereals - and e.g. more than 50 % of it are used to feed well about 15 billion animals to produce meat for the rich populations, who are chronically sick and obese by protein oversupply. On the poor side, every year 13 million children die of malnutrition.
What the new processing could improve for world population:
Presently the world harvest of cereals including rice is on average about 1.8 billion tons (1,800,000,000 t). If it were to be stored, distributed and used in the most optimal way possible, each one of today's 5.6 billion human beings would get a daily quantity of 880 g of cereals, would be well-fed and would stay healthy all their lives. The problem of hunger in the world will continue to escalate rapidly. According to investigations by the World Watch Institute, the growth of mankind will reach 11 billion human beings by the year 2025. This means double the amount again within only 30 years. In view of the consequences for the world nutrition of mankind, the author cannot understand the fact, that - even after informing about all the important details - none of the numerous persons responsible in positions of national and global influence were prepared to act, among them important politicians, ministers, directors of milling companies, leading producers of milling equipment, international foodstuff multies, and also the World Bank, although the European patent was granted for realizing this procedure in December 1993.
Randomized study about signs of degeneration in population of Addis Ababa:
1989 randomized study in collaboration with the Health Ministry of Ethiopia to find signs of degeneration in the population of the town Addis Ababa, measured by the findings in dentition (irregular teeth). Result: 49 % of the town's population were already experiencing such signs of degeneration - this is about the same as the German population was experiencing (41 %) in 1964. (In Germany during the following 30 years irregular teeth increased to at least 90 % of the population, which means only about 10 % of the German population were left showing no signs of degeneration and having regular dentition).
Study with Genebank of Ethiopia about optimal use of  East African food-crops for healthy nutrition of population:
1992, on application of Genebanks Director Dr. Melaku Worede to German Government's GTZ (Corporation for Technical Cooperation, Eschborn near Frankfurt/Main), request  of GTZ to carry out a study with the Ethiopian Plant Genetic Resources Centre in Addis Ababa, title: "Evaluation of the Plant Genetic Resources Centre of Ethiopia's Germplasm Collection with Regard to an improved Utilization for a sufficient and healthy Nutrition in Ethiopia". The Ethiopian Genebank permanently stores about 55,000 varieties of seeds in germinable state, among them 2,000 varieties of wheat and hundreds of varieties of millet, sorghum and lentils. The study's results were e.g. health value improvements of Ethiopian bread (enjera), recipes for healthy home-made natural baby-food preparations, and the fact, that Ethiopia by full use of their arable land, by natural methods (without chemical fertilizers and without pesticides), using their traditional landraces and appropriate feeding habits, could feed, satisfy and keep healthy a population of about 560 million people (actually they are about 60 million).
Development of the concept "Nature-integrated Dwelling":
1992 development of the concept "Nature-integrated Dwelling"  - total concept, principles of construction by elements, application for patent (granted 1997) for constructing healthy housing space at reasonable costs with elements made from natural materials (mainly wood and wood products), combined with the maintenance, care and regeneration of the natural environment. In this connection, a promotion and support agreement is existing since September 1996 with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Fraunhofer Patent Office for German Research, Munich.
Who takes a license of this invention and know how, being able to invest appropriate capital, is having best chances of an extraordinary success, and a business growing to many billions per year. Because this construction concept is a similar step in house construction as Henry Ford's step from hand-made automobiles to industrial production of cars. Houses become much better and much cheaper at the same time, and it's easy to equip it with all modern solar energy and computerized house management. Who wants, can construct his house or villa himself by the elements, which all can be carried by one person without house construction machinery. Also it's a system which allows organic and healthy growth of mega-towns like e.g. Mexico City. The outskirts could be successfully rehabilitated by a "food for work" program, and the poor get better chances to shift to middle class. When the city grows, needing place for high buildings, such houses easily can be disassembled into its elements and reassembled again more outside. (Contact to the author by e-mail: Dr.Schnitzer@t-online.de).
Book publication of optimized dental sanitation methods:
1993 publication of the actual level of dental sanitation methods - after optimizing them for more than 30 years - to overcome the individual dental problems of persons living in advanced civilizations (which also cause advanced diseases and degenerations). Title of the book, translated: "Dental Problems and how to Overcome them" ("Zahnprobleme und ihre Ueberwindung", ISBN 3-930087-00-6).
Foundation of enterprises:
1958 establishing a production of special impression and modeling materials, which were developed during investigations on the precision of technical dental methods (mentioned above). 
From 1966 onwards, development and production of cereal grinders for households in this enterprise (Schnitzer KG). 1969 in addition founding of a publishing division of this company to publish several new books of the author himself, and later also of other authors with complementary topics. 
1982 foundation of the Schnitzer Institute for concentration of the scientific work and training seminars. 
1984 sale of the Schnitzer KG, which made an annual turnover of DM 8 million, to win more energy and time again for scientific and literary work and for dental treatment of patients. 
1989 establishment of a Dental Clinic Schnitzer as a private hospital.
Today's professions:
Scientific and technical Advisor. Author of books, documentations, Internet information, articles.
Fields of activities:
Advice in the planning, founding, setup and operation of dental clinics and hospitals on the basis of the therapies of the author. Consultation on the further development of dental treatment, above all sanitation treatment of complicated cases. Development of effective therapies for chronic civilization illnesses which up to now are regarded as incurable and treated symptomatically. Development of procedures,, recipes and products for a more healthy food supply for the population. Consultant for manufacturers in development and setup of the production and marketing for such procedures, recipes and products. Investigations and studies, also in developing countries. Developments (scientific, practical and technical) in the fields of health, wellbeing, performance, chronic diseases and causal therapies, nutrition, general and special problems of highly civilized as well as developing countries; training and public lectures; advising persons and institutions, working in the fields described above. Since 1998 development of the website "Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service" <https://www.dr-schnitzer.de>.
Nutritional advising of top performance sportsmen:
Using the author's advice, e.g. in 1979/80 the Austrian national team of ski jumpers won the 4-countries ski-jump competition in the Alps. They also won the Olympic competition in Lake Placid, and there among the world's 10 best ski-jumpers were 5 Austrians! 1983 Dieter Notz, advised by the author, became the German champion in cross-country skiing. 
1986 (June) Bernhard Schoeneck, super-marathon runner, taking advices from the author since 1985, won the Sri Chimoy 12-hour competition in Cologne by running 141 km in 12 hours, and also won the Belgium Championchip in the 24-hour competition (October 1986 by running 247.33 km in 24 hours; in second place, the former champion of Belgium was 41 km behind him! 
Bernhard Schoeneck is giving a good example, how this healthy natural nutrition is keeping the human organism young: 1994, already 55 years old, he won the 6-days Challenge-Cup-Run in La Rochelle (France) - all six of them!! His efforts brought 100,000 FFr to the French Aids Research (ADERR). July 20th 1997 - now 58 years old - he wrote postcard to the author from Oakdale/California: "Dear Dr. Schnitzer, from Las Vegas/Nevada to Paramount Springs/California passing the gorge of hell: Death Valley. 311 km in 6 days at more than 50 ° C (> 90 ° F). Your advices were of gold value. Thanks! Kind regards Bernhard Schoeneck" (he had phoned the author up before starting this adventure, for special advices, e.g. how to optimize the body's cooling system in this extreme heat). 
These are practical examples of healthy performance which the human organism can produce with this frugivorous "civilized origin nutrition" without any animal products, because it is exactly what the human organism is genetically programmed for.
Other capabilities and knowledge:
Technical constructions (e.g. development of the modern household grinders, construction of about 20 different models and development of the special industrial production methods, molds and equipment e.g. to produce precise milling stones in series); other inventions and patens in different fields as e.g. processing of cereals, wind energy, element house construction, special road and runway surface construction. 
Being in complete command of all the welding techniques (autogenous welding with oxygen-acetylene, welding under inert gas, electrode welding and wolfram electrode welding), of metal cutting procedures like lathe turning work, drilling, milling, planning, surface and cylindric grinding work; of plumbing work like cutting, bending,, welting, soldering and welding of sheet metal, manufacturing of stove pipes and eaves, installation of gas and water pipes etc.; of wood processing (from woodcutting to buzz saw, ribbon saw, compass saw, milling, drilling, planning, polishing, mortising, gluing, bending by vapor, veneer work); of the baker's trade (numerous healthy whole-meal recipes created and hundreds of master bakers trained in producing healthy bread, rolls and other bakery whole-meal products); of photography (archive with about 35,000 slides, including a large number taken in other continents outside Europe); video-work (direction and camera). 
Private pilot's license 1967; radio communication license in English and German, CVFR license. Master's certificate (motor boats) for lake of Constance. Master's Certificates (licenses) to operate any motor equipped yacht on the water ways for seagoing vessels and on the costal waters, also  in inland water ways (rivers and channels), and VHF radio communication license.
Languages: German (native language), English fluently, also French, and some Spanish.
Most important aim:
A synthesis of civilization and natural health for mankind (as defined in WHO Constitution since 7th April 1948: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"), and an end to chronic civilization ailments, malnutrition and hunger - to allow world population a healthy and happy life in an ecological balance with a rich natural environment.


My Books

Published in
Title of Book, Edition
1965, 1967, 1973
Gesunde Zaehne von der Kindheit bis ins Alter
(Healthy Teeth from Childhood to Old Age)
Publisher: Bircher-Benner-Verlag, Bad Homburg and Zuerich
Gesundheit fuer unsere Jugend
Beginn einer Synthese von Zivilisation und Gesundheit
(Health for our Youth
Beginning of a synthesis of civilization and health)
Complete Edition of the System to Educate
the Population about the Sources of Health
(Moenchweiler Campaign, 1963-1969)
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
(out-of-print, but actually last copies via author)
Kommt das Leben ohne Brot?
(A Future Life without Bread?)
General Baker's Journal No. 30-33
Separate Print
Publisher: Matthaes, Stuttgart
Nie mehr Zahnweh!
Never have Toothache again!
Dental Caries, Parodontosis, Malposition of Teeth
Curative Treatment and Prevention
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
Kommt das Leben ohne Brot?
(A Future Life without Bread?)
The Health of the Population lies in the
Hands of the Baker's Trade ...
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
Der Schnitzer-Report -
4702 Personen berichten ueber ihre Erfolge
(The Schnitzer Report:
4702 Persons Report about their Health Successes)
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
(parts of it published via author's Internet Site)
Schnitzer-Intensivkost, Schnitzer-Normalkost
Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition, Schnitzer Normal Nutrition
Régime alimentaire Schnitzer intensif/-normal
Schnitzer-tehoruoka, Schnitzer-normaaliruoka
14-day Menues for both Diets, 98 color pictures
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
(actually available in
English, French and Finnish editions)
Das Schnitzer-System (The Schnitzer-System)
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
Backen mit Vollkorn
fuer Hausfrauen und Hobby-Baecker
(Wholemeal Baking for Housewives and Hobby Bakers) 
12 Lessons, 16 Types of Bread and Bakery Products
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
1978 Die neue Heilbehandlung für Diabetiker
(The new curing treatment for Diabetics)
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
52 1 5
Biologische Heilbehandlung der
Zuckerkrankheit und ihrer Spaetfolgen
(Biological Curative Treatment of
Diabetes and its Later Consequences)
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
(actually available in German)
(actually available in German)
Das Kursbuch der gesunden Ernaehrung
(The Guide to Healthy Nutrition)
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
Der alternative Weg zur Gesundheit
(The alternative Way to Good Health)
Publisher: Mosaik (Bertelsmann), Munich
new edition 2002 in German available
Gesund sein in der Zivilisation
(Being Healthy in our Civilization)
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
New edition 2003 available in German
Das Volle Leben
(Life to the Full)
about Life Quality in our Civilization
Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen/Black Forest
(actually available in German)
Erfolg im Sport durch naturnahe Leistungskost
(Success in Sport with Natural Performance Nutrition)
(actualized edition 2000 available in German)
Risikofaktor Bluthochdruck -
lebensbedrohend, aber heilbar
(Risc Factor Hypertension - a Threat to Life, but Curable)
Publisher: Heyne, Munich
(actualized edition 2000 available in English)
Die kausale Therapie der essentiellen Hypertonie
(Causal Therapy of Essential Hypertension)
Publisher: Haug, Heidelberg
(out-of-print, but a new edition 2000 available in German)
Schlank werden durch richtiges Essen und Bewegung
Slimming by Eating the Correct Food
and doing Physical Exercise)
Gesunde Zaehne durch richtige Ernaehrung
(Healthy Teeth with te Correct Nutrition)
Publisher: Heyne, Munich
Pilot's Nutrition and Health
in English; draft, unpublished

Zahnprobleme und ihre Ueberwindung
(Dental Problems and how to Overcome them)
New edition 2000 available in German

Erhaltung der Flugtauglichkeit
(Maintenance of Pilot's Flying Ability)
Cured from Hypertension + Impotency
and from Diabetes
Documentation and Comments of
2 exemplary individual Patients Reports
Risikofaktor Bluthochdruck -
Lebensbedrohend, aber heilbar!
(Risc Factor Hypertension - a Threat to Life, but Curable!)
Actualized, enlarged edition 2000 in German,
privately printed (copies via author)



Natural Cure of Obesity by Health
in English, privately printed (copies via author)
Hypertension Causes & Cure, Life Threatening
Risk Factor 1 Now Curable!
in English, privately printed (copies via author)
1998 and
Development of the Website
Dr. Schnitzer's Geheimnisse der Gesundheit
Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service



in 2003 ca.
300000 hits
23000 sessions
per month

New Edition 2000
Diabetes heilen, Biologische Heilbehandlung der Zuckerkrankheit und ihrer Spaetfolgen
(Diabetes Cure, Biological Treatment of Diabetes and its later Consequences)
Actualized, enlarged edition,
privately printed (copies via author)
New Edition 2000
Doping? Alternative Naturnahe Leistungskost
(Doping? Alternative Natural Performance Diet)
privately printed (copies via author)
New Edition 2000
Die kausale Therapie der essentiellen Hypertonie
(Causal Therapy of the Essential Hypertension)
privately printed (copies via author)


New Edition 2001
Backen mit Vollkorn
(Wholemeal Baking)
privately printed (copies via author)




2001 New Edition 2001
Diabetes Causes & Cure
including Cure of Later Diabetes Consequences

(New: English Edition!)
privately printed (copies via author)
210  .  print

My other Brochures, Essays, Manuscripts,

Studies, Lectures, Videofilms

Title and other Informations
Die Probleme einer praezisen Inlay-Technik und Inlays auf Gallé-Modell (Problems of a Precise Inlay Technique and Inlays on Gallé Models), lecture, held during the 6th Congress of the Swiss Dental Technicians' Association, 30.9.-2.10.1960 in Basle; published in "Das Dental-Labor" No. 1/2 1961.
Wirksame Bekaempfung des Gebissverfalls - der Weg zum gesunden Kau-Organ (Effective Struggle against Tooth Decay - the Way to Healthy Dentition), 21 pages, discussion paper to work out a strategy against dental caries, printed as a manuscript in July 1963
Merkblatt zur Untersuchung auf Kariesanfaelligkeit (Instructional Pamphlet on the Control of Caries Disposition) by controlling the acid production of the patient's mouth bacteria, cultivated on a polytrophic culture medium in incubation apparatus.
Ursachen der heutigen katastrophalen gesundheitlichen Situation in der Bundesrepublik und Wege zu einer Wiedergesundung der Bevoelkerung (Causes of the Catastrophic Health Situation in Germany and Ways of Restoring the Health of the Population), letter of January 9th 1964 (8 pages) to the Health Commission of the German Federal Parliament, after a public discussion with its Chairman, Dr. Hamm in Koenigstein/Taunus. This letter was also sent to all members of the Federal Government, the Governments of the German Countries, the Federal Parliament and the Parliaments of the Countries of the Federal Republic of Germany (about 1800 politicians).
In this letter I urgently warned Governments and Parliaments of Germany of an approaching danger to the disease and social situations and its negative consequences for the German economy and position in worldwide economic competition - which was exactly what occurred 30 years later - and I showed how this could be prevented. E.g. today's additional social insurance for care and nursing would be just as unnecessary as the many special parking places and toilets for medical invalids (most of them by 33,000 leg amputations per year because of diabetic gangrene), because the population at large would be generally healthy - if some of the 1800 politicians had taken this letter seriously in 1964 and acted in a responsible manner for the good of the health and well-being of the population.
Ueber die Entwicklung der biologischen Grundlagen und Aufgaben des zahnaerztlichen Berufes in den naechsten Jahrzehnten (The Development of the Biological Basis and Tasks of the Dentist's Profession in the coming Decades), lecture held before the Federal Board and the Chairmen of the Countries' Associations of the Free Corporation of German Dentists, during their session, July 19th 1964 in Offenbach/Germany.
Ursachen des Zahnverfalls (Causes of Tooth Decay), radio lecture in the Hessischer Rundfunk (adult education), 16.6.1965 and 19.6.1965. 
Die Karies in heutiger Sicht (Dental Caries as Seen Today), p. 3-4 "Gesundes Leben" (Healthy Life) No. 6/1965, Medizinalpolitischer Verlag (Publisher), Hilchenbach/Siegerland.
Die gesundheitspolitische Situation in Deutschland (The Situation in Health Politics in Germany), lecture held at the Congress of the World Association for the Protection of Life, in Freudenstadt/Germany; published in "Gesundes Leben" No. 7/1965, p. 1-3.
 Fluor - oder gesunde Kinder mit gesunden Zaehnen? (Fluorides - or Healthy Children with Healthy Teeth?) 56 pages, February 1966. This brochure - which also was sent to the Federal Health Council of Germany - contributed essentially to the decision of the Council against the fluoridation of drinking water, recommended by the "experts", in 1966 as a "prophylactic against caries", as this measure was still too controversial.
 Skizze einer biologischen Loesung des Hungerproblems in Indien (Draft of a Biological Solution to the Hunger Problem in India), manuscript paper, 14 pages, 1966.
Zahnschaeden und Ernaehrung (Damaged Teeth and Nutrition), lecture in the radio series "Living Science", South German Radio Heidelberg, on Sunday, 27th February 1966, 10.005 a.m. MF and VHF; printed as a manuscript, 11 pages. In this lecture in which the author also mentioned the weakened structures of bones, several parents rang up with children suffering from osteogenesis imperfecta ("glass bones"). A two-year-old girl had already broken her bones 11 times, another boy of five years had broken his bones 7 times. By changing their nutrition to "civilized origin nutrition", both could be cured completely within some weeks for good, without after that ever breaking any bone again. A Professor of Medicine in Giessen/Germany at that time was treating 30 children suffering from osteogenesis imperfecta, facing a life as deformed cripples. Although informed by those parents about their cured children, he refused to try this nutrition as a therapy, probably because it was against the orthodox 'school medicine' dogma on nutrition ("diseases have nothing to do with feeding habits", etc.). 
Wir brauchen eine neue Politik (We need a new Policy) - proposals for creating a United Europe in the fields of social and health policy, agriculture, regional planning, transport, justice, economy, foreign affairs, defense and cultural policy; 16 pages, 3.5.1966, printed as a manuscript. 
Die gesundheitspolitische Lage der Gegenwart (The present Situation of Health Policy), 18 pages, lecture during the ceremony of the 57th Federal Day of the Felke Association, 25th September 1966 in Felke-Bad Sobernheim/Nahe, Germany 
Ein moeglicher Feldzug gegen die Zahnkaries in Baden-Wuerttemberg (A possible Campaign against Dental Caries in Baden-Wuerttemberg), lecture, given by invitation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Baden-Wuerttemberg (Minister for the Interior: Dr. Filbinger) at the Baden-Wuerttemberg School Dentists' Annual Service Assembly in the Dental Clinic of the University of Heidelberg, September 9th 1966; 15 pages, printed as a manuscript. 
Individuelle Freiheit und staatlicher Zwang in der Gesundheitspolitik (Individual Freedom and Governmental Compulsion in Health Policy) - contribution to the conference of the same title of the Friedrich-Naumann-Fund in Berlin from 27th-29th October 1966; 24 pages, printed as a manuscript. 
Die Entwicklung der biologischen Grundlagen und Aufgaben des zahnaerztlichen Berufes in den naechsten Jahrzehnten (Development of the Biological Basis and Tasks of the Dentist's Profession within the coming Decades), manuscript, 16 pages, lecture held at the International Dentist's Congress on 21rst - 27th November 1966 in Paris. 
Bitte um Beendigung der Einseitigkeit in der medizinischen (Krankheits-) Forschung zugunsten der Erforschung der Ursachen der Gesundheit (Petition for Ending One-sided Medical (Disease) Research in favour of Research on the Causes of Health), 4 pages, letter 9th December 1966 to the Chancellor of Germany Dr. Kurt Georg Kiesinger, Bonn. 
around 1966
Zahnschaeden und Ernaehrung (Tooth Decay and Nutrition), lecture on a record, 28 minutes in length. 
Heilung der Kariesanfaelligkeit durch zahnaerztliche und Ernaehrungsmassnahmen (Cure of Cariogenetic Disposition using Dental and Nutritional Measures), special print from the journal "Vitalstoffe - Zivilisationskrankheiten" (Vital Substances - Civilization Diseases"), No. 2/1967 (published in Hannover). 
ca. 1967
Die Frage der bakteriellen Symbiose aus der Sicht des Zahnarztes (The Question of the Symbiosis of Bacteria as seen by the Dentist), manuscript, 11 pages. 
Ist Fluor wirklich harmlos? (Are Fluorides really harmless?) 18 pages, Edition No. 201 "Gesundes Leben" (Healthy Life), Monatsschrift fuer Volksgesundheit (Monthly Journal for the Population's Health), Linz/Austria, March 1967. 
Rauchen? (Smoking?), Brochure A 36 of the Education System "Gesundheit fuer unsere Jugend" (Health for our Youth, Moenchweiler Campaign), with contributions by several authors, 36 pages, Schnitzer (Publisher) 1968, St.Georgen/Black Forest. 
Karies-Daemmerung - Zwischenbilanz der Aktion Moenchweiler nach 5 Jahren (Dental-Caries-Dawning - intermediate Results and Statements arising from the Moenchweiler Campaign after 5 Years), 4 pages, special print 1968. 
Die "moderne Medizin" - ein Irrweg? ("Modern Medicine" - the Wrong Path?) Lecture, held upon the invitation by the student group in Frankfurt of the Society for Responsibility in Science, February 1968 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. 
Honig, Trockenfruechte und Zahnkaries (Honey, Dried Fruits and Dental Caries), 4 pages, special print 1969. 
Karies-Daemmerung - Zwischenbilanz der Aktion Moenchweiler nach 5 Jahren (Dental-Caries-Dawning - intermediate Results and Statements arising from the Moenchweiler Campaign after 5 Years), pages 15-18, edition No. 1/1969 "Diaita", Diaita (Publisher) Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany. 
Kariesanfaelligkeit heilbar? (Is Caries Disposition Curable?), p. 11, edition No. 9/1969 of the Reform-Rundschau, Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany. 
Gesunde Ernaehrung der Jugend - eine gesundheitspolitische Notwendigkeit! (Healthy Nutrition of Youth - a Necessity for a Health Policy!), in "Schutz dem Kinde" (Child Protection), magazine of the Deutscher Kinderschutzbund e.V. (Association for Child Protection), pages 30-34, edition No. 4., November 1969, Hamburg. 
Fluor oder ursaechliche Vorbeugung? (Fluoride - or causal Prevention?) manuscript, 3 pages, 1. December 1969. 
Pruefstein Zahnkaries (Touchstone - Dental Caries), manuscript, 10 pages, with a report on a hearing of experts about fluorides and dental caries, by the Minister of Health of Germany, Kaethe Strobel on 29th/30th April, 1969 in the Federal Office for Civil Protection of the Population in Bad Godesberg, where the author was invited as one of the experts. 
Operation Moenchweiler (in English), lecture held in London upon the invitation by Soil Association; 12 pages, 1971, printed as a manuscript. 
Die Aktion Moenchweiler (The Moenchweiler Campaign), and what has developed from this health-educating campaign; manuscript, 11 pages, 1971. 
Verhuetung und Behandlung der drei grossen Gebisskrankheiten: Karies, Paradentose und Kiefer-Verformung (Prevention and Treatment of the three Important Dental Diseases: Caries, Parodontosis and Orthodontic Malposition of Teeth), lecture held at a conference at the Kinderhilfswerk Salem, Stadtsteinach/Germany; Neuform-Echo, edition No. 3 1973, pages 10-15, Neuform (Publisher), Bad Homburg v.d.H. 1973. 
Ist Verjuengung moeglich? (Is Rejuvenation possible?) You are as alive, as what you eat is alive; 3 pages, manuscript for "Bewusster Leben", 1975. 
 Ist der Sieg des Boesen in der Welt noch zu verhindern? (Can Victory of the Evil in the World still be prevented?) 3 pages, manuscript, 1975. 
Ernaehrung als Basistherapie (Nutrition as a Basic Therapy), in "Biologische Medizin" No. 2/1976, pages 50-53, Publisher: Aurelia, Baden-Baden, Germany. 
Ist Gesundheit in der Zivilisation moeglich? (Is Health in Civilization possible?), lecture, held on 3rd April 1976 in Baden-Baden in the LVA Special Clinic Hoehenblick, invited by its Medical Superintendent Dr. Heinitz, in the presence of authorities from the Kurdirection Baden-Baden and medical doctors and patients at the clinic; 25 pages, printed as a manuscript. 
Ein neues Ernaehrungssystem als Basistherapie macht hunderte chronischer Krankheiten heilbar (A new Nutrition System as a Basic Therapy makes Hundreds of Chronic Diseases Curable), special Print from "Naturheilpraxis", 29th year, edition No. 9/1976, pages 770-774. 
Patentanmeldung "Windkraftmaschine mit einem Windrad" (Patent Application "Wind Power Engine with a Wind Rotor"), Windmotor (wind engine) constructed using modern sailing technology and equipment, 22nd September 1976, DE 26 42 570.7, Publication No. 26 42 570 A1. 
Geht Intelligenz durch den Magen? (Does Intelligence also Depend on Nutrition?), Better school results from optimum nutrition, 11 pages, manuscript 1976. 
Die kostbare Gesundheit der Fuehrungskraefte (The Valuable Health of the Executives), 15 pages, manuscript 1976. 
Wie kann Knochenbruechigkeit verhindert werden? (How can Bone Fragility be Prevented?) 3 pages, manuscript 1976. 
Die Ursachen der zu kurzen Lebenserwartung des Zahnarztes (Causes of the short Life Expectancy of Dentists), lecture held on a training seminar for dentists in St.Moritz/Switzerland, 11th March 1977; 21 pages, printed as a manuscript. 
Patentanmeldung "Verfahren zur Herstellung von Schalenkoerpern mittels Beschichtung mediengetragener Folien" (Patent Application: "Process for Producing Monocoque Constructions by Coating Foils stabilized by a (e.g. liquid or gaseous) Medium" 43 pages + appendix, patent application 18th May 1977. 
Getreideversorgung in Entwicklungslaendern (Cereal Supply in Developing Countries), 14 pages, 2 thousand, Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen, Black Forest (2nd Edition 1981). 
Richtige Verarbeitung von Vollgetreiden im Haushalt (The Correct Processing of Cereals in Households), 3 pages, manuscript, 1rst June 1977. 
Kostumstellung zur Krebsprophylaxe (Change of Nutrition to prevent Cancer), lecture, held at the Cancer Conference of the International Medical Society for Blood and Tumor Diseases, 24th September 1977 in Freudenstadt, Black Forest; 14 pages, 3rd edition, 10th-12th thousand, Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen, Black Forest. 
Eine naturnahe Leistungskost als Alternative zum Doping (A Natural Performance Diet as an Alternative to Doping), lecture held on 25th September 1977 in Koenigsfeld in the Black Forest, on the occasion of a big event of the Koenigsfeld Jogging Group with the Finnish Olympic Champion Lasse Viren; 17 pages, printed as a manuscript, Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen, Black Forest. 
Urkräfte des Lebens im Getreidekorn - wie nutzt sie der Mensch? (The Basic Powers of Life in Grain Cereal - how does Man utilize them?), The importance of cereals for human health, and mistakes made during their processing, 9 pages, 1st edition, 1st - 20th thousand 1978, Publisher: Schnitzer, St.Georgen, Black Forest. 
Heilungschance für Millionen Diabetiker entdeckt (Chance of Recovery Discovered for Millions of Diabetics), press information for the press conference of the Arbeitskreis Gesundheitskunde in Bonn, 8th June 1978, to celebrate the discovery of this therapy (first patient Karl Ettwein, 69); the medically ordered amputation of his leg could be avoided, his diabetic gangrene could be healed, and, to the great surprise for all those involved, including the medical staff, his diabetes could also be completely cured. 
Warum ist der Arzt nicht gesuender als die Durchnittsbevoelkerung? (Why are the Doctors not Helthier than the Average Population?) Lecture held for the opening ceremony of the Associated Congress of the  Internationale Gesellschaft für Biologische Medizin e.V. (International Society for Biological Medicine), the Internationale Gesellschaft für Homotoxikologie und Antihomotoxische Therapie e.V. (International Society for Homotoxicology and Antihomotoxic Therapy) and the Internationale Gesellschaft für Bioelektronik Vincent e.V. (International Society for Bioelectronics Vincent) in the Congress House Baden-Baden, 29th October 1978; published in Biologische Medizin No. 2/1979, pages 339-349. 
Die Erhaltung der Flugtauglichkeit (How to maintain Pilot's Flying Ability), 20 pages, 1979 Schnitzer (Publisher), St.Georgen, Black Forest. This brochure was written after a proposal made to the author by an authorized signatory of a large German airport. This pilot's doctor wanted to ground him because he had hypertension. After taking "civilized origin nutrition" for 4 weeks as recommended by the author in his books, he was cured completely, and his pilot's license was saved. He then collected the 16,000 addresses of all the German pilots, and the author (also a pilot) sent copies of this brochure to them all at his own costs. 
Neue Diabetestherapie bewaehrt sich (New Therapy for Diabetes successful), 4 pages, press information about a medical conference in Triberg, Black Forest, 3rd - 4th November 1979, where 150 medical doctors from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, France and South America exchanged the experiences they had made with the new therapy for curing diabetes; "Der Gesundheitskommentar", St.Georgen, Black Forest. 
Der heutige Stand der therapeutischen Erfahrungen mit Intensivkost als Basistherapie (Today's Stage of Therapeutic Experience with Intensive Nutrition as a Basic Therapy), Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation No. 12/1979, pages 644-650. 
The Supply of Cereals for Developing Countries, 14 pages, Schnitzer (Publisher) St.Georgen, Black Forest. 
Die Aufgaben der Senioren in der Hochzivilisation (Tasks of Seniors in High Civilization), 4 pages, Schnitzer (Publisher) St.Georgen, Black Forest. 
Schnitzer-Intensivkost als Basistherapie bei Diabetes (Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition as a Basic Therapy for Diabetics), 19th August 1980, Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift (German Medical Weekly) No. 35/1980, pages 1227-1228. 
Ernaehrung als Basistherapie bei essentieller Hypertonie und Diabetes (Nutrition as a Basic Therapy for Essential Hypertension and Diabetes), lecture held (also as chairman of the day, under the topic "Nutrition as a Basic Therapy") at the Medical Week Baden-Baden 1981; Erfahrungsheilkunde No. 13/1981, pages 1081/82, Publisher: Haug Verlag, Heidelberg. 
Glukose-Toleranz: "Pathologisch" nach Kohlenhydrat-Restriktion (Tolerance of Glucose becomes "pathological" after Restriction of Carbohydrates),  two commentaries in the medical journal Selecta, within the scope of a discussion on diabetes in the editions 52/1980 and 5+16+17/1981, Selecta Verlag (Publisher), Dr. Ildar Idris, Planegg near Munich. 
Die Abhaengigkeit des Therapieerfolgs bei chronischen Krankheiten von der Ernaehrungsweise des Patienten (Dependence of Therapeutic Success in the case of Chronic Diseases resulting from the Patient's Eating Habits), and Ernährung und sportliche Höchstleistungen (Nutrition and Top-Performance in Sports), lectures held at the Conference "Nutrition as a Basic Therapy" during the Medical Week in Baden-Baden; Erfahrungsheilkunde No. 13/1982, pages 998 + 1002-1003, Haug (Publisher), Heidelberg. 
Warum Mahlsteine? (Why Millstones ?) Manuscript, 7 pages.
Eine naturnahe Leistungskost als Alternative zum Doping (A Natural Diet for Top Performance as an Alternative to Doping), 17 pages, printed as a manuscript. 
Kann richtige Ernaehrung Lepra stoppen? (Is it Possible to Stop Leprosy using the Appropriate Diet?) 1984, 28 pages, with colour pictures, 1983 taken at the Leprosy Hospital in Borumeda, Ethiopia. 
Videofilm "Kann richtige Ernaehrung Lepra stoppen? (Video film "Is it Possible to Stop Leprosy using the Appropriate Diet?") First Report after the first 10 weeks of the biometrically controlled Field Study in Sri Lanka (in English; 2 hours).
Videofilm "Impressionen aus Sri Lanka I" (Video film, "Impressions of Sri Lanka I"), exotic entertainment film (2 hours 14 minutes). 
Integrierte Therapie und Gesundheitssteuerung (Integrated Therapy and Health Control), Erfahrungsheilkunde No. 7/1986, pages 455-459. 
Die haeufigsten Krankheiten und Todesursachen, ihre Entstehungsmechanismen, ihre Ausheilung und ihre Verhütung (The most Common Chronic Diseases and Causes of Death, their Curative Treatment and Prevention) (Draft). 
Die wirklichen Ursachen des Bluthochdrucks (The True Causes of Hypertension) (Draft). 
Health and Nutrition in Ethiopia, in English, 112 pages; work paper, written at the request of the Health Ministry of Ethiopia, with supplement, 1989 printed as a manuscript. 
Evaluation of the Plant Genetic Resources Centre of Ethiopia's Germplasm Collection with Regard to an improved Utilization for a sufficient and healthy Nutrition in Ethiopia, 116 pages, in English; report on the results of a study, carried out in Ethiopia by the author in cooperation with the Gene Bank of Ethiopia, on behalf of the German Government (GTZ, Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn) in spring 1992. 
Wie Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer wirksame Therapien zur Ausheilung von Bluthochdruck, Diabetes I und II und deren sogenannten Spaetfolgen entdeckte (How Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer discovered Effective Therapies for Curing Hypertension, Diabetes I and II and their so-called later Consequences), 5 pages with pictures, printed as a manuscript. 
Deutsche Patentanmeldung: "Haus aus Fertigbauelementen" (German Patent Application, "House Construction with Prefabricated Elements"), 2nd February 1993, P 43 02 871.3. 
Internationale PCT-Patentanmeldung: "Haus aus Fertigbauelementen", 1rst February 1994, PCT/DE94/00092 (International PCT Patent Application (and in 1995 following up as a European Patent Application): House constructed with Prefabricated Elements. Abstract: "A house composed of prefabricated elements, specially for construction by the owner, with a carrying or support structure consisting of carrying elements and insertion elements for incorporation in the carrying or support structure, in order to form walls and ceilings, the said elements being based on the ultra-light construction method and being particularly suitable for construction by the owner and enabling all systems such as water, electrics, air conditioning and heating services to be installed in practically any manner. This is achieved employing a construction mode which is particularly respectful of the natural environment, since the carrying members and insertion elements are essentially hollow, and the sidewalls of the carrying elements and insertion elements are either open, or are also perforated as possible stiffening ribs inside the construction elements".  (European Patent No. 0682730 granted 2nd January 1997). 
"Medicus, quo vadis?", treaty about the crisis and the future of modern medicine, published on the Internet <https://www.dr-schnitzer.de/medicusquovadis-d.html>, November 1999.
English version: <https://www.dr-schnitzer.de/medicusquovadis-e.html>.
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    The general consequences of the discoveries which I have made since 1960 (most of the basic ones being during the sixties), and which are of significance as regards the health, social, economic and population-politics situation, and the possibilities which I have indicated for a synthesis of highly developed civilization and good health, has not yet been grasped by the political and economic decision-making authorities even until now, 3 decades later, or if so, has not yet given rise to any decisions and measures.
         The reasons for this might be prejudiced by former categories of thinking, or dependence on diseases and their causes as mighty economic factors. If the latter were to be the main reason, an economic fact would be confirmed: it would be the worst economic disaster that could hit Europe (and probably some other countries outside Europe too), if all of a sudden general good health were to break out!
         Therefore, just as was previously the case, only individuals, families, groups or private institutions have the possibility of using this potential to maintain and restore health and to reproduce without degeneration by passing on their complete genetic information to the next generation. By far the greater part of civilized populations, which is kept in ignorance by modern disinformation strategies of mighty pressure groups, is condemned to succumbing to chronic diseases, degeneration, suffering from pain, the loss of natural functions of their bodies and brains, depression and many sad years of suffering (perhaps as many as 25 years, which are the population average of falling chronically ill before dying), until at last they die.
         Consequently, about 33,000 diabetic patients each year in Germany, for example, have a leg amputated due to diabetic gangrene, which could be prevented easily using the therapy I discovered in 1978. If the therapy had been adopted in medicine as a standard therapy in the same year, at least 660,000 leg amputations could have been prevented in Germany alone by 1998 for example. This neglect was intentional. Leading diabetes professors and the German Health Office in Berlin refused to study my results, which I had presented them, and instead, fought using every means against this new therapy. This is one of the main reasons, why another "care insurance" had to be set up in 1994 in addition to the expensive social insurance, a situation which is additionally weakening the German position on the world markets. In 1995, only 45 pfennigs of every DM 1.00 of the total salary costs of German enterprises went into the pockets of the employees; 55 pfennigs went to the social system and to the government.
         Another essential reason why this "care insurance" had to be established, was a lack of active agent complexes in the denaturated food of today's civilization which are essential for supplying the brain with substances to maintain the brain cells and regenerate their complex structures, and the additional contamination of the entire population with mercury, which is permanently given off from amalgam fillings and accumulated in the brain, the nervous system, the bones, the liver, the kidneys and the intestines.
         I already warned about amalgam fillings in the 60's but only met with aggression from colleagues and my dentist's association. For decades the German social ministry has been prescribing amalgam for fillings, supported by the social contract dentists association and social insurances, and when social contract dentists tried to resist, they did not receive their fees for alternative fillings or were even excluded from the social treatment contracts. These are reasons why the population is contaminated so badly and affected in spite of several warnings. More than 50 % of amalgam fillings consist of this highly poisonous heavy metal, continually giving off traces of mercury vapor to the body.
         One of the consequences of this deficiency of active substance complexes in the malnutrition of today's civilization, plus the mercury contamination of the brain, is Alzheimer's disease (morbus Alzheimer), which is a progressive degenerative liquefaction of the brain, and is increasing rapidly and already afflicting persons of only 40 years of age. This disease needs permanent care in 3 shifts around the clock - about 4 nursing staff per Alzheimer patient.
         The actual significance of these findings (made in most cases over 30 years ago) about the frugivorous character of original human nutrition, as regards both the political situation for entire populations and the destiny of each individual person - even if only applied partially and approximately - is documented by an investigation by American medical doctors, published in the German newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" (Hamburg) on 3rd December 1995 on page 83 (see following article).
    Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2004
    Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
    New Findings about the Advantages of vegetarian Nutrition
    by Jane E. Brody
    After evaluating studies about correlations between eating meat and diseases, a team of medical doctors published a sensational report. It says, that therapies for diseases, which are consequences of eating meat, cost as much as treatments of diseases, which are connected with smoking: 50 billion dollars per year.
         The authors of the analysis, Dr. Neal D. Barnard, Dr Andrew Nicholson and Jo Lil Howard, are all members of the medical doctors committee for Responsible Medicine, an organization in Washington, which is recommending vegetarian nutrition. The doctors see a direct correlation between growing consumption of beef, pork and chicken and the growing risk of becoming sick with hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, gall bladder inflammation, overweight and arthritis caused by it, food poisoning, intestinal, lung, ovarian and prostate cancer.
         The analysis was published in the latest edition of the magazine "Preventive Medicine".
         Food which includes meat normally contains more fat, especially saturated fatty acids, which damage the arteries, and is richer in calories. Plant food contains significantly less calories and is a rich source of vitamins, fibers and other substances, which are known to reduce the level of cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.
         As the scientists declared, there are no comprehensive studies, which would enable evaluating the health value of fish within a nutrition, which is otherwise vegetarian. (Eating seafood is regarded as favorable for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases).
         For conducting their analysis the scientists studied the health destiny of large groups of people whose living circumstances were similar - except for the consumption of meat. About half of them were vegetarians, most of them consuming eggs and milk products. Their other habits, such as smoking, physical exercises and alcohol consumption, which can all strongly influence the health, did not differ from those of the other people in the study, who ate beef, pork, fish and chicken.
         Each of the studies had a distinct result: Meat-eaters had a higher rate of costly and sometimes deadly diseases.
         The scientists came to the conclusion, that 22% - 68 % of the costs, which are incurred by the treatment of hypertension, can be proved to have their origin in eating meat. In a study which was made some time ago on 28,000 people, it was shown that hypertension among meat-eaters was 75 % more frequently found than among vegetarians. In a later study which was carried out on people with a similar consumption of salt, tobacco and alcohol, it could be determined that 37 % of the meat-eaters, but only 14 % of the vegetarians were suffering from hypertension.
         The cholesterol level of the vegetarians are between 9 % and 32 % lower than that of meat-eaters, and the level of the especially dangerous LDL cholesterol in their blood is between 7 % to 37 % lower. Six weeks of complete vegetarian nutrition are sufficient to reduce the cholesterol level of a meat eater by 3 % - 11 % and his LDL level by 4 % - 17 %. Other studies have shown that every reduction of the cholesterol level by 1 % reduces the risk of a heart attack by 2 %.
         The scientists also report on different studies which show that the risk of men and women getting intestinal cancer who eat beef, prok or lamb every day, is 3 times higher than for those who only eat meat once a month. Even the number of lung cancer cases of vegetarians is lower than of meat-eaters, wether they are smokers or not.
    ("Welt am Sonntag", Hamburg, from 3rd December 1995, page 83)
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