Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer (short biography)

Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer (summer 1996)
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer, born on 1st June, 1930 in Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany, grew up in St.Georgen (Black Forest). During World War II, still at school, he acquired experience in different professions as a precision mechanic, plumber, carpenter, gardener, farmer. After he was awarded his Bachelor of Arts in 1950 (Villingen, Black Forest), he studied dentistry in Freiburg (1950-1954) and acquired his doctor's degree in 1955. Searching for possibilities to prevent tooth decay, his main interests concentrated on sources of natural health and causes of civilization ailments and degeneration. When freshly ground cereals proved to be essential, he constructed modern household grinders with milling stones. From 1963 to 1969 he carried out a study in a Black Forest village, to find out, if it's possible to reduce tooth decay of children by a permanent information campaign (it is!). This became well known as "Aktion Mönchweiler" - not at last by hostile and hectic activities of the lobbies behind this avoidable endemic degeneration of dentition, who tried a lot to stop him, which was reported by the mass media. 
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 In 1966 he was called by Prof. Dr. H. A. Schweigart as a member of scientific board of the International Society for Research on Nutrition and Vital Substances. When finding adaptation of man to civilization food a failure, causing civilization ailments, he developed his "Civilized Origin Nutrition", appropriate to the original, still active genetic program of man. This healthy, natural nutrition proved high efficacy, preventing and even curing some "incurable" ailments of civilization, e.g. documented in the "Schnitzer-Report - 4702 People report about their Successes" (1974; 548 pages). In 1978 he found a therapy curing diabetes and preventing it's "later consequences" (e.g. loss of sight, loss of leg). In his opinion and by his experiences, most of yearly about 33.000 amputations of diabetic patients in Germany alone would be avoidable. 1985-86 he proved in a study on leprosy intensive curing efficacy of this nutrition on huge leprosy ulcers, which - normally chronic and getting worse - healed up completely after only some weeks. In 1987 he published on "Medical Week Baden-Baden" and in two books (one for patients, one for doctors) a causal therapy for hypertension, curing it mostly within 6-10 weeks completely without medicaments. 
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Facing a growing decay and degeneration of dentition, since 1960 he developed a systematical complete clinical sanitation treatment, including cure of cariogenic disposition (to prevent further decay). Already 1958 he was warning, not to apply amalgam fillings, because of chronic poisoning danger. 1992, ordered by German Government's Development Institution on Ethiopian application, he carried out a study for the Ethiopian Genebank in Addis Ababa, how to optimize the use of East African food crops for a sufficient and healthy nutrition of the population. Whilst this he improved the health value of Ethiopian bred (Enjera, made from grass-seed T'eff) and developed recipes for healthy home-made baby-food. He is author of about 20 books with some hundreds of thousands of published copies, and numerous studies, essays and articles. In 1998 he started his Internet activities with "Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service" to inform people directly. His most important goal: A synthesis of civilization and health and an overcoming of the era of civilization diseases, to allow mankind a healthy and happy life (WHO: A physical, mental and social well-being) in an ecological balance with a rich, healthy, respected and well-kept nature. For more click here
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